Chapter 02

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Anyway, there was only one option left for me. Prevent Cassius Brudenell from getting hurt that day-

...Without revealing my identity at all.

Fortunately, I knew the reason why he was hurt.

Unlike other high-ranking aristocratic families who, at best, were at odds with the most influential domestic families, the Duke of Brudenell was also active abroad. As a result, Cassius often confronted assassins sent from abroad.

Usually, he would easily escape from assassination threats with his male protagonist skills, though his luck ran out that day.

He was attacked by the elite assassin raised in the Kingdom of Bynell, the Duke of Brudenell's long-standing enemy.

He suffered a fatal injury throughout Ophelia's treatment.

Understandably, the relationship between the two grew more and more affectionate during the care.

'We have to stop that, somehow.'

I stopped in front of a newsstand. "Five copies of the Daily Peveril, please."

"Five copies?"


The seller peered at me with strange eyes, but gave me five copies without saying much when I gave him a handful of jingle coins.

Well, money is the best in any world.


The undisputed heir of the Duke of Brudenell had one unique hobby.

It was direct mail sorting.

Cassius Brudenell, who had let all the servants out of the house, slowly approached the table full of mail. He did not pay a single glance to the letters sent by the noble family.

The ones that he picked out of the piles of envelopes were all letters from an unknown sender.

He skillfully opened the envelope with a paper-knife, and a household account book that could be used by a commoner's wife dropped out.

His sharp eyes moved quickly.

The letter, which on the surface looked like an ordinary household account book, came from the Marquis of Deiju, and contained a willingness to accept the black deal.

The rest of the letters were also cryptograms containing important information.

Cassius then picked up an exceptionally thick envelope.


The golden eyes narrowed. He had received countless cryptograms over the years, but this was the first time he had seen such a clunky and thick envelope. Curious, he opened the envelope with a slightly faster hand than usual.

Unexpectedly, what came out of the inside was not cryptogram, but plainly readable text.

[The meeting held at Tovetun Inn on April 20 is a trap. Be careful.]

Rather than the content itself, the writing style caught his eyes.

The sender of this letter cut out each letter from the newspaper and pasted it on cardboard with the intent of hiding the handwriting.


One of his mouth's corners twisted up.

Generally, those who want to hide their handwriting hire a great scriptwriter, but the great scriptwriter also has unique characteristics.

With the intelligence and wealth of the Duke of Brudenell, he could find the great writer who wrote the article in a matter of days.

Although, if the printed type was cut out and pasted to make a phrase, there is no characteristic. Moreover, the person who sent this letter used the 'Daily Peveril' that commoners enjoy.

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