Chapter 06

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I did not forget to wrap the bandage by pressing firmly on the wound to allow the medicine to penetrate well.

After all the treatment was over, Cassius opened his mouth and spoke quietly.

"This is very interesting."


I narrowed my eyes and glared at him. What kind of nonsense is this again?

"Young Lady saved my life. I will never forget this grace until the day I die."

You can forget...

No, forget it. Please!

Cassius continued speaking, regardless of my reaction. "But, it is very strange... Why was Young Lady so rude to me while treating me?"

I was dying from the injustice.

Then, is it not rude to jump over someone else's fence and injure himself in front of the owner of the house? No, this is not rude. Should I call it insane?

Cassius tilted his head as if expecting an answer from me. Suddenly, making a sound as if he had realized something.

"Oh, I should change the question."

He gazed deeply into my eyes.

The golden eyes flashed dangerously.

"Young Lady, why did you save me?"

A cool sensation grazed my back.

It was because I remembered reading Cassius' words as lines in the original novel. Naturally, in the original story, it was a line that he said to Ophelia, who treated him with sincerity.

'What did Ophelia say then...?'

It seems that she gave an Ophelia-like answer, saying that she could not leave the dying person alone or that the wounded must be treated, which is totally not helpful in the current situation.

I took one deep breath.

"Sir... Wouldn't I be a murderer if I left it alone?"


It was the most appropriate title to refer to a young nobleman since the majority of young noblemen held knighthoods.

Cassius frowned at her.

"You do not want to be a murderer, do you?"

I picked my answer slowly.

An angelic answer, such as how a person can kill someone else, was absolutely forbidden, so it was difficult.

"I do not want to be a murderer who gets caught and goes to jail."

"You mean it is all right if you do not get caught?

"Of course."

Cassius asked again curiously.

"With the power of Count Garneid, can't you just bury the sins of turning a blind eye to a dying man?"

Hearing his reply, it seems that Cassius had no intention of hiding the fact that he now knew who I am.

"If I had not saved you, you would have died inside our wall."

At my words, he nodded his head gracefully.

It was fortunate that there are words that could convince that man.

"Then, wouldn't my family be executed for letting the Duke die, would they?"

It was only after hearing Cassius' answer that I realized I had made a mistake-

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