Chapter 03

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"Did you find this at the entrance to the Aisle?"


Cassius Brudenell's face is expressionless, as if he is wearing a mask.

In his hand, was a piece of paper that had no characteristics. Just like the letter that arrived proudly yesterday, on the paper, there was an article made with letters cut from the newspaper.

⌜ The assassins will be lurking on the given date and location given stated before. Don't think it will be as easy as those you have dealt with. ⌟

There was something written on the back as well. It seemed like it was hastily attached, as if the sender was hesitating whether or not to mention it.

⌜ They came from the Kingdom of Bynell. ⌟

This time, the letter was quite long, so there were visible signs of the sender's effort to avoid being tracked everywhere.

Again, Cassius was not very interested in the authenticity of the content.

His attention was only focused on the sender and the manner in which the letter was sent.

The 'Aisle' was not like a typical passage.

The Duke of Brudenell had a secret intelligence organization called the "Aisle," which was also called the 'Aisle' headquarters.

The entrance to the passage had to be accessible and, at the same time, secretive. So, it could only be entered and exited by manipulating several secret devices hidden in the alley at the corner of the main street.

Meaning that, to be able to leave a letter like this, in a place that would only appear as an ordinary alley unless you are a part of the Duke's family-

'...Is it an insider?'

Cassius pondered for a moment, then shook his head.

An insider had no reason to warn him in such a conspicuous manner. In order to be recognized for their achievements, it was right for them to approach him somehow and inform him personally.

Although he was merciless to the incompetent and traitorous, Cassius rewarded the capable and the loyal.

The man in the black hood asked, "Count Cassius, isn't that the day you are supposed to meet Count of Lancaster?"

"That's right."

Cassius nodded his head.

As soon as he received the letter yesterday, he informed the members of the 'Aisle' of its content. It was not to investigate the contents, but instead, to trace the identity of the sender.

One of the members raised a question.

"I think it's trying to say that Count Lancaster has teamed up with the Kingdom of Bynell?"

"Just for the sake of slander?"

He scoffed coldly.

Seeing that Cassius could not even remember the name of this member, his ability seemed as insignificant as his head.

Count Lancaster was one of Cassius' long-time informants, a trustworthy, if not close, confidant. It was a considerable risk to claim that such a man had summoned an assassin from the Kingdom of Bynell, the old enemy of the Duke.

If they are wrong, it will be the informant, not the Count of Lancaster, who will lose their life.

"You can't risk this just for such a slander, unless you are crazy."

Cassius was convinced that the sender was trying to help him for nothing in return. After receiving this letter today, that thought became even stronger.

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