San Juan,Puerto 🇵🇷 Rico

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                   Damian's POV:

As we descended to the tarmac,I gently woke Maya up. "Despierta hermosa. Estamos en Puerto Rico ahora. Deberíamos estar en nuestro hotel dentro de la próxima media hora." (Wake up beautiful.  We're in Puerto Rico now. We should be at our hotel within the next half an hour.) Maya slowly opened her eyes at the sound of my deep voice in her ear. She blinked a couple of times and then looked up at me from beneath her lashes. "Did I really sleep through the entire flight?" Demi laughed. "Yeah,but you're  such a cute sleeper." Maya smiled at Demi. Them she turned to me. "If you don't wanna share a room with me I understand Luis." I raise an eyebrow and looked into her eyes. "We have no choice but to share for right now. Besides,if I didn't want to I could of have said something as well,but I didn't. I honestly don't mind sharing a room with you Maya." We got our luggage and exited the plane,heading for the rental car. Demi climbed into the back seat and Maya got into the passenger seat. I slid behind the wheel and put the car in gear. Half an hour later we were pulling up in the parking lot of our hotel,San Juan Water And Beach Club Hotel. Demi took her luggage out as soon as we parked. I got mine and Maya's. She followed me to the hotel entrance and down the hallway to the elevator.  Once we got to the door and I opened it she hesitated. "Hay algo mal que no quieres poner un pie aquí de repente?" (Is something wrong that you don't wanna step foot in here all of a sudden) She shook her head no. I walked slowly towards her so as not freak her out and gently placed my hand on the small of her back,expertly guiding her into the room and closing the door behind her.
"Estas asustada de mi hermosa?" She shook her head but stepped back away from me a couple of steps. I reached my hand out to tenderly caress her cheek.
"Ya que no me tienes miedo, asumo que estás nervioso por estar a solas conmigo. ¿Tengo razón?" She nodded her head slowly yes. "Kind of. I'm also kind of scared of you too. I know I don't have any reason to be,but I've had a really bad relationship that I'm glad to be free of now and it's just the thought of being near any man that freaks me out." My jaw clenched and I pulled away as quickly as if she'd have burned me. "I won't bother you Maya. I'll just go sleep on the couch." Her small gentle hand on my bare arm stopped me. "It's not you that has me scared and nervous Luis. My ex used to beat on me every single day. Now I'm wary of any and all men,when I know that I shouldn't fear you or be nervous around you. I don't think you'd ever hurt anyone outside of the ring." She smiled up at me. "I don't want you to sleep on the couch either Luis. For one you're way too tall for it and secondly we're both adults and should share the bed unless you don't want to and that's fine too." I tenderly pulled her into a hug,which she seemed to welcome and she snuggled further into my chest for a second. We were gonna be in San Juan for a week. We started to unpack our luggage. She took one side of the dresser and closet and I took the other side. Maya finished unpacking before I did and went next door to go check on Demi/Rhea. Denise smiled hugely when she said her and enveloped her into a huge bear hug. I saw the two of them talking and laughing and relaxed knowing they were like best friends right now.  I finished unpacking and went to go grab my ladies. I saw them walking along the beach near our hotel and quickly jogged over to them. "Hola ladies. Who's up for some fun?" They both grinned at me. "Well bestie ,what do you have planned for us today?" I laughed deeply.  "First some sight seeing followed by a glass bottom boat ride then some jet skiing and tanning. Maybe some swimming somewhere in there too." "We'll race you to the car Luis",  Demi chuckled as she put Maya on her shoulders and ran towards the rental car. I growled playfully and raced after them. They almost beat me to the car but I was a second faster and was already pulling up beside them when they neared the car. Demi fake glared at me. "Such as show off Luis!" I laughed and shrugged. She put Maya in the front seat with me and hopped in the back behind Maya. We drove over to where we were able to park and do the 2 hour walking tour of Old San Juan. Then we went to go on ATV excursion tour:,which was then followed by the San Juan guided Snorkel Tour and Guided LED Night Kayak Excursion.  By then we were all pretty hungry,and for such a small chick Demi can really eat and not gain a pound! So we opted for the Flavors Of Old San Juan Food tour. Man we were so stuffed by the end of the tour that we could barely walk back to the car. Jk:,we safely made it and nobody exploded from a food overdose🤣. When we got back Demi and Maya went ahead of me while I parked the car closer to our rooms. They were already in my room when I got there and I could hear their conversation which got my attention immediately. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2022 ⏰

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