07 : 🅶🅰🅼🅴🆂

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Economy, Industry, Politics, Democracy, and Publicity. Those and a fair amount of land. Combined together. Is a country.

Sew a flag that best represented it. Give it a name that is suiting the people living on it. And a countryhuman will appear out of nowhere.

That's how country masters came to this world. Being a country master is just like being the president but better and have higher authority but if a country master dies, it means its believers are gone or there was no reason for that country master to be still there.

Example; Spanish Empire or SE for short.

That empire should be dead right? No. The empire still has a lot of believers or supporters means a lot of people want this empire to come back its glory. It may not have a reason to be there anymore but there's a good amount of people wanting him back in place.

But his little brother, Spain is still the main incharge now and millions of people in Spain would prefer neutrality and peace so Spain is still the main holder of being the country master.

They also have a sister, a little sister. Second Spanish Republic. But her glory was short (1931-1939) and her old supporters prefer the first republic, Spain himself.

Second Example; Dutch Empire or Dutch.

Dutch was the empire of The Netherlands or some of you may call, Holland. But that's illegal to call the current country masters by their past resented names.

Dutch empire is Netherland's cousin on who knows? But it was that. They weren't brothers or anything. They're just cousins.

Just like SE, Dutch still have some supporters. The thing is. They are very few so in a matter of time, Dutch will die but the current time, he's still alive and healthy.

Unlike SE who would love to be back in glory, Dutch doesn't any want of that. He'd rather live his last days to the fullest or just be with his cousin, he doesn't interfere with Netherlands work but he sometimes help.

Spanish Empire, Dutch Empire.. And the other empires still have a long way to go. They can't die yet.

07 : GAMES

No Ones POV

Just like any other day in the Europe. People talking mostly in their language, doing their business, some are running late for their work. For the example of a person running late...

Example One of someone being late; Facist Italy.

"No no no!  Sono in ritardo. Sono in ritardo. Sono in ritardo!(No no no! I'm late. I'm late. I'm late!)"

He run and run and bumped into a citizen. "Oh sorry!" he looked back for a second to make sure the person he bumped to didn't fall or anything before he run to his destination.

This is Facist Italy if you gave him too much coffee and made him panic too much. He forgot that he had a car and just ran the way through from his and his brother's mansion.

The poor guy was supposed to be wake up early but he over slept since his dream is nice. He forgot that time that he was supposed to be in a meeting with some traders. But in the bright side, he still manage to dress nice flr the meeting and cook for his sleeping little brother, Italy.

What a nice guy but, make sure to keep your schedule on check.

Facist bursted in the meeting room assigned and panted. The traders were surprised to say at least. They have been waiting for the fallen empire and thought that he'll not come but look at the last second, he came.

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