09 : 🅶🅰🅼🅴🆂

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World meetings. Times where Organizations and Country Masters group all together to discuss international problems, wars, peace, pacts, and all worldly things you can think of. Important gatherings like this are held in different countries every meeting.

World Meeting as of XXXX|XXX|XX •in Lausanne, Switzerland

"Is everyone here?" United Nation or UN called out to everyone. Everyone is seated on their respective seats. It seems like China, Russia, UK and all of the south east asians didn't attended or they must be just late.

"Seems like the two big nations didn't attend.. I understand why UK isn't here but where's Asean and his members?" Mercosur looked at the empty seats. "I believe that Vietnam is on the war with Chin-" "Vietnam nor China is on the battlefield." America cuts off UN,

"Vietnam hasn't stepped a foot on the battlefield nor does China."

It was silence until a European country tapped his finger on the large table and Australia raised his hand. UN gestured for him to speak up. "I think I know why Asean and his members didn't attend." he said a bit unsure.

"Well then, say it." North Korea was obviously forced here. "My spy was gathering certain information about Indonesia when they saw that there's an unofficial meeting happening and since they're inside the building of the ASEAN, they thought they could eavesdrop and heard about them visiting a friend somewhere and helping Vietnam in war or sorts." Australia looked away saying that.

UN rubbed his temples. "Australia, I don't know if I should be worried about you sending spies to Indonesia or that the whole ASEAN visited someone without a notice to us.."

India on the corner seems happy about the south east asians not coming to the world meeting. Afghanistan noticed this and asked, "You seem happy India. Is there any good news in your country?"

India's smile flatered. "Oh yeah about that, My mens discovered planted bombs on our industrial buildings. The day that was discovered was the same day your people declare मल(shit) with us Afghanistan. Isn't that a bit suspicious?"

The pashtun silenced with that. He was guilty.

"Ok.. Im sure we can talk to Asean with that in the next World Meeting." African Union or AU looked at the empty seat of a Russian Country Master. "And what about Russia? does anyone have the idea why he didn't attend..."

He trailed off as the slide doors opened revealing, South Vietnam with China and Taiwan. Oh. They forgot about Taiwan existing.

Based on South Vietnam's and China's beaten up faces.. They fought on the way here. Taiwan however much looks beaten up than them considering his black eye and the cracks on his face.

"Taiwain! Why do you have cracks on your face!?" UN came to the Taiwanese and checked his cracked face. Few droplets of blood in coming out of the cracks. "It's nothing.." Taiwan walked pass the organization and went straight to his unnoticed empty seat.

"Psh. Why are you still asking when Ching-Chong obviously bombed his land!" South Vietnam exclaimed, deeply glaring at the masked Chinese besides him.

Gasps erupted in the room and murmurs on how merciless China can be. China seems cool about it. Too cool. Like he was used to it. UN didn't like how South Nam raised his voice when he's practically near him. "Watch your voice South Vietnam. Why are you here anyways? Where's your younger brother that is in charge?"

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