Chapter 8: Memories

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"Now Charlie," I said. "The stablehand just proposed to the Princess and they are planning to run off together!"

I'd been explaining my book to Charlie on our walk. People say dogs don't understand humans, but based on the way Charlie reacts I disagree.

He yelped in excitement and trotted ahead.

"Wait up!" I called and ran after him.

He stopped and waited for me like always, further proving my theory.

When I caught up to Charlie, I heard the clashing of swords.

"What's that Charlie?"

I was nervous, but Charlie's tail was still wagging so instead of running like my instincts told me to, I followed him towards the sound.

Charlie stopped and I was met with the sight of a shirtless Beckham fighting with another man. They both wore smiles on their faces and were bantering so I knew this was a friendly encounter.

I watched as the two fought and in a swift few moves, Beckham had disarmed his opponent, winning the match. I clapped and the two men turned there attention to me. They dropped their swords and walked over to me and Charlie.

"Tyler, this is Talia," Beckham said.

"Hi!" I waved.

"Talia, this is my best friend and Captain of the Guard, Tyler."

I froze at the mention of the guard. My mind went flashing back to my experiences at home and I found my breathing getting shallow.

I don't trust guards. They say they are there to protect people, but they aren't. They are there to use them.

Tyler reached out his hand and I stumbled back not waiting to see what he would do to me. I tripped over my feet and fell back into the dirt.

Charlie stood in front of me and I felt safer. Tyler started approaching, but Charlie growled, warning him away.

"What's with you today Charlie?" Tyler asked and tried approaching again, but Charlie stood his ground and growled.

This time Beckham approached, but I was off running before he could reach me. Tears burned my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. I didn't want anyone to see me cry.

I ran as fast as I could to my chambers and the minute the door closed, I released the sob I had been holding in. I sunk down against the wall and tucked my knees into my chest as my mind flashed through my past experiences with the guards at home.

I wasn't a person to them, I was a toy. I was there when they were stressed or bored and no one cared. Not even my own father!

Why was Beckham so at ease around Tyler and the guards? I'd never noticed it before, but now thinking back, I'd seen him shake their hands and converse with them. Does he know what they are really like? Does he care?

Tears rolled down my face as sob after sob tore out of my body. I don't know how long I sat there stuck in my own head before I heard my name being called.

I looked up and saw Lina and Anna crouched in front of me.

"What's wrong Talia?" Lina asked me, wiping my tears away.

I shook my head. I couldn't tell them, it would give away my secret and I couldn't let anyone find out that I wasn't who I said I was.

"Did something happen?" Anna asked softly.

I shook my head again. The girls exchanged a look before helping me off the floor. Lina took me to the bed and helped me lay down while Anna went to get a cup of tea.

My head was resting in Lina's lap and she stroked my hair. Before Anna even made it back with the tea, I was asleep, exhausted from my little episode.

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