Chapter 12: A Fierce Warrior

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"She still hasn't said anything?" Tyler asked.

I swung my sword at him, but he blocked.

"No," I grunted out.

It's been a week and while Talia forgave me for yelling at her, she still hadn't said anything.

My mother however had said quite a bit. She was extremely angry with me for upsetting Talia. She viewed her like a daughter and I'm pretty sure she loves her more than me.

I know what I did was wrong and I haven't pushed Talia anymore, but it's killing me to not know what's bothering her.

The only way to take the edge off is practicing my fighting. Tyler and the other guards are always happy to practice with me and it helps.

I was fighting well when I felt eyes on me. They distracted me and allowed for Tyler to win. I turned and looked to find Talia and Charlie watching us.

I waved and she waved back. I saw her take a breath and start walking towards us.



It was time to conquer my fears. If I was going to keep my secret a secret, I had to get over my fear of guards. Beckham wouldn't let anything bad happen to me so if he trusts these guards, then I do to. At least that's what I'm telling myself.

I slowly walked over to the boys, keeping a hand on Charlie's head for comfort. He seemed to notice I was nervous and stayed close by.

"Hi," I said when I got close enough.

Both of the boys greeted me and Beckham stepped closer.

"How are you?" He asked me.

"I'm ok. Good. I'm good."

Beck laughed and I blushed in embarrassment.

The guard I remember as Tyler murmured something into Beckham's ear and left.

We stood in an awkward silence for a minute until Charlie barked, starting the conversation.

"What are you up to?" Beckham asked.

"Just taking a walk with Charlie."

"Mind if I join?"

"Of course not."

Beckham put his shirt back on and walked back over to me and Charlie. The cotton stuck to his sweaty body, showing off his muscles. I looked away with a blush and started walking. Charlie and Beckham followed.

No one said anything, but this time it wasn't awkward. It was comfortable.

While we were walking, my mind started to wander back to my fears and how I was going to overcome them. I'd walked up to a guard with a sword and been fine. Beckham was there though so does that count?

And then an idea came into my head. A brilliant, wonderful, genius idea.

"Hey Beck?" I asked and stopped walking.


"Will you teach me how to fight?"

"Why do you want to learn?" He asked somewhat suspiciously.

So I can protect myself.

"Why not?" Is what I said instead.

Beckham chuckled and shook his head.

"Sure. We can start tomorrow."

I squealed and jumped in excitement before running off with Charlie following close behind.

This was the best idea I'd had in a while. If I could defend myself I wouldn't have to be scared of the guards anymore!

And I've seen Beckham fight; he will be a great teacher.

And it doesn't hurt that he practices shirtless.

I blushed at the thought and went back to my room where I told the girls I was learning to fight.

"Why do you want to learn?" Lina asked me.

"It sounds fun," I lied. I felt bad lying, but I couldn't tell them the truth for obvious reasons.

"It couldn't hurt to know how to protect yourself," Anna said.

"See? Anna gets it," I told Lina.

"I never said I didn't! I was just curious!"

"You'd better be careful," I warned. "One day I'm going to be a fierce warrior. You should stay on my good side."

The three of us looked at each other and broke down in laughter. Lina had tears coming out of her eyes she was laughing so hard.

We were doubled over laughing and missed the knock and the door opening.

"Hello ladies."

The Queen's voice snapped us into attention and the girls dropped into a curtsy. I could see their worry at being caught messing around.

"Don't worry girls," Queen Maria said. "Maggie, Sandy, and I used to do the same thing at your age."

We looked at each other and then back at Queen Maria who giggled. The Queen of Vaella giggled.

"I'll leave you be. I just came to see how you are doing Talia, but it seems to me that you are doing just fine."

I smiled and thanked Queen Maria. She left and the three of us exchanged a look before rushing into the servant's quarters. Technically im not supposed to be here, but I've come with Lina and Anna before and no one minds.

"Maggie!" Lina called.

Maggie came running at Lina's panicked voice.

"What is it?" She asked worriedly.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Lina scolded.

"Tell you what?"

"That you and the Queen are best friends!" Anna chimed in unexpectedly.

"Who told you?" Maggie asked.

"The Queen," I said.

"I should've known," Maggie said with a laugh and started to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Lina questioned her.

"Away from you three."

"But you have to tell us all about your friendship with the Queen!" Lina whined.

"That's why I'm walking away!" Maggie called back.

Lina pouted but eventually the three of us burst out into laughter and stumbled back up to my room where we collapsed on the bed.

"Who would've thought?" I said.

"I know right?" Anna responded.

"And after all the lectures Maggie gave us when we befriended you!" Lina tsked.

The three of us started laughing again, unable to contain it. It felt so nice just being able to laugh freely with my friends.

"I love you guys," I told them.

"We love you too," they both said in sync.

And that made us start laughing again.

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