Chapter 10: The Nightmares Return

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"Come here little thing," the guard called out. His voice echoed through the cell.

I was cowering in the corner and didn't move a muscle. The guard got me anyways. It was hard to hide in a practically empty cell.

"What did I say about following instructions?" He growled in my face.

I was shivering in fear and couldn't respond. The guards hand came in contact with my cheek and a stinging sensation came across it.

"Speak girl!"

"Always follow orders," I whispered out.

"That's right. And what did I say would happen if you didn't."

"I would get punished."

The guard laughed a cruel laugh that echoed through the dungeons and my fear multiplied.

The guard shoved me to the ground and before I could recover his foot hit my ribs. I cried out, but that only made his smile widen. The guard kicked me anywhere he could until I passed out from the pain.

It could've been worse, I told myself just before drifting into darkness. It could still be worse.

I jolted awake with a scream in my throat, my body glistening with sweat. I was shaking and a shriek left my throat when the door to my room opened. It was still dark so I couldn't see who the large figure was.

A match was struck and a candle lit up, showing Beckham's face.

"Talia? Are you ok?" he asked.

Beckham set the candle down on the bedside table and took me in his arms. My body was violently shaking and I couldn't speak. My throat felt like it was constricting.

"Breathe Talia," Beckham instructed.

His hands were on either side of my face and I was looking into his honey brown eyes that held worry and concern. His eyes anchored me and I slowly felt myself slipping back into reality as he whispered kind words into my ear. I am here with Beckham and I am safe.  I am safe.

My body sagged in Beckham's arms and he wrapped them tighter around me.

"I'm sorry," I squeaked out.

I hadn't meant to wake him.

"Don't be," Beckham said, stroking my hair. "Wanna tell me what happened?"

I shook my head and Beckham didn't pressure me. He just held me in his arms until I calmed down. I started drifting back to sleep when Beckham moved to put me down. He was about to leave when I grabbed onto his arm.

"Beck?" I asked. "Will you stay with me?"

I was glad it was dark so Beckham couldn't see the blush on my face.

"Of course," he said and sat in the chair next to the bed.


I pulled his arm and he came over to the bed.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"I trust you."

Beckham climbed into bed next to me and wrapped his arms around me. I snuggled into his chest and fell asleep.



I had been getting a cup of water when I heard Talia scream. I hated waking the servants up for such little things so I decided to go myself and I'm glad I did.

The fear that went through me when I heard her scream was indescribable. It felt like my world was ending. Anything could've been happening. I ran towards her room not caring what danger I found as long as Talia was safe.

I practically sagged in relief when I found out it was a nightmare. I didn't want her to have to go through that either, but at least she wasn't hurt.

When Talia asked me to stay with her, I was more than happy and waking up with her in my arms was my new favorite thing.

I'd never felt this way about anyone before. Talia had quickly become my everything. Every thought was about her, every moment I wanted to spend with her. I found it hard to focus because my mind always went back to Talia. She was intoxicating.

I felt a fluttering on my chest and looked down to see Talia opening her eyes. A smile lit up my face as a blush rose to hers. She was adorable when she blushed.

"Good morning," I said and brushed back a strand of curly black hair from Talia's face.

"Good morning."

Talia yawned and sat up to stretch her arms. I immediately missed her warmth.

"Thank you for staying," she said softly with another blush.

"Of course," I told her. "I'm here for you whenever you need me."

Talia smiled and I got out of bed. Unfortunately I had business to attend to and I wanted to talk to Tyler beforehand. I needed his help with something.

"I have to go, but I'll see you later."

Talia nodded and I made my way back to my chambers where Tyler was waiting. I'd asked a maid to send for him.

"What can I do for you dear Prince?" Tyler asked jokingly.

I shoved my best friend in the shoulder and sat down at the table in my room.

"I need you to look into Talia," I said.

"Is everything ok?" Tyler asked, looking for the threat.

"Yeah. Something just doesn't seem right about her. I don't think she's dangerous or anything, but I think she's hiding something from me and I want to know what."

I normally wouldn't invade Talia's privacy like this, but I was worried about her. Something was wrong and if she wouldn't tell me, I couldn't help. And all I wanted to do was make her happy again.

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