13. Wants and Needs

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Damien carried me up to his room for the second night in a row, but under very different circumstances. This time, I was more relaxed in his arms knowing he wasn't going to threaten me or dare to throw me out of his window.

As we got inside his room, he placed me back on my feet gently but I wobbled a little before gaining my balance. The way his arm reached out to help me, I could see he cared about my well-being, maybe for the first time ever.

"You better not throw up on my Italian brown leather shoes or you're going to be spending all night cleaning them."

I spoke too soon, he clearly only cared about his shoes.

Just to give him a hard time because of his remarks, I positioned myself so my side was touching the front of his body and wrapped my arms around his shoulders again, "take me to the bed, the world is spinning."

Which was actually the truth.

"Great, why do I always get stuck babysitting you," he sighed and picked me up again.

"Yet, you're the one complaining like a five year old child," I stick my tongue out to him.

"I would keep that tongue in your mouth unless you want me to shove it down your throat. Also, What did you just call me?"

Wasn't he so full of rainbows and sunshine?

I didn't know when he switched back to being a jerk.

"You're in no position to be calling me such things, especially when I can do so much to you right now," he placed me on the edge of the bed.

I gulped and leaned back away from him, "what are you going to do?"

His hand reached out to me, making me run to action. Which was a bad idea, I landed on my feet on the other side of the bed but the flight response caused me to cough like no tomorrow. I was experiencing a sudden shortness of breath as I coughed up some more.

"Here, get some fresh air," Damien walked over to the window and pushed them open, inviting the cold night air into the room. I found myself at the edge of the window and breathed in, closing my eyes to calm my nerves. The coughing stopped after a while.

"I said get some fresh air, not pretend like you're in some cheesy music video. Just don't fall down."

"Funny, because that's exactly what you wanted last night when you were threatening to drop me."

"I'm not the same person I was yesterday, people change," he shrugged and started to walk away.

"Where are you going?"

"Get you something to change into, I don't want your glittery gown scratching me in the middle of the night," he said before disappearing inside his massive closet where I had organized my clothes.

"Here," Damien returned with one of his T-shirts. I thought he was going to bring something of mine.

For some reason, the idea of being in his clothes surrounded by his smell sounded too intriguing to pass on the opportunity. So I grabbed it from his hands and put the T shirt over my head, sliding my arms through it.

"What are you doing? You look like a clown," he looked down at the shirt and I followed his actions. That was when I realized I had put the shirt over my dress, I was so eager to wear his clothing that I had completely forgotten about taking my dress off first.

I mentally face-palmed. Could I make a bigger fool of myself?

Then I thought about another way of getting rid of the dress, just like how I took my bra off every night through my shirt. It involved unclasping the hook first, but in this case I would have to take the zipper down. My hands reached inside the shirt to open the zipper on the back of the dress, but it was too high up that I couldn't even reach it, even after so many attempts.

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