25. His Majesty

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Aliya's POV

The crowd went wild at the announcement, as if they had been waiting so long for such news. Cheering and clapping like it was the biggest moment of the century. I assumed they didn't know about the arrangement until now, it must've been kept between the royalty and their trusted advisors.

Each and every person in the hall was gleaming with excitement, looking at each other while gossiping amongst themselves.

Damien's subjects, men and women alike, his council, and the other members of the royal families, they all anticipated one thing.

Who would be the next vampire queen?

But I couldn't care less about everyone else's reaction, all I wanted to know was how did Damien feel about the declaration.

He was quiet; probably the most still and bewildered I had ever seen him. Even with the distance between us, I could feel how uncomfortable he felt in this situation.

I don't know why but his reaction shocked me.

To my surprise, he wasn't fighting back or putting forth an argument; or forcing the members to take back their words.

I was used to the Damien who was always so composed and ready to fight anyone who would defy him. But that control was slipping through his fingers and he could not do a single thing about it.

I wanted him to be in control.

But that wish felt too far fetched as I saw him sitting there, shackled to the throne and bounded by the endless legal obligations.

He opened his mouth to say something, but caught himself as he took in the audience's reaction one more time. Then, he stood up from his seat, walking forward as he started to climb down the stairs.

The noise that filled every corner of the room started to die down. The court members also stood up and bowed their head in respect to their king. But Damien did not even glance in their direction and looked straight towards the exit across the room, his eyes fixated on the huge doors.

He crossed the room in a couple of strides, and left without mustering another word.

"This is beyond crazy," Emma who I had forgotten was still by my side shook her head in disbelief and said, "my brother never walks out like that, looking so... defeated."

It pained her to say the last word, because even she knew the word defeated and her brother did not belong in the same sentence together. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I found my voice again.

"I'm going to go make sure he's okay," I gave her arm a supportive, gentle squeeze.

Turning towards the exit, I pushed through the rows of people who seemed too astonished to even move. I ducked and went around some, my heart suddenly rushing while there was only one person on my mind, who I had to find. Hoping to catch Damien in his tracks before he disappeared.

Finally making it out of the throne room, I looked around to find no sign of him. Picking up the pace, I started to run in the direction where Emma and I came from. My hands reached out to push open the wooden doors that led me further into the castle. There was a maid with a tray of fruits on the other side, who stepped back in fear from the sudden movement.

"I'm sorry," I apologized to her for almost making her drop her plate, now clearly out of breath, "have you seen Da- his majesty?"

Nobody called Damien by his name, they referred to him as their king or his majesty. So I caught myself before his name slipped my tongue, not wanting the maid to think I was being disrespectful. Or worse, grow suspicious of our relationship.

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