10: Stalking Or Research, That's For You To Decide

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Getting your child, who doesn't exist on any government record, to a doctor, was a big issue. 

Ichigo hadn't seen a doctor for a general check up, been to a quirk specialist to make sure there were no massive drawbacks from using their quirk or had any of their vaccination. Maybe they had some as a baby, in whichever hospital they were  born in. If they were born in a hospital at all. 

And now Tomura was completely off track and wondering if maybe there was a real family out there waiting for Ichigo. Whether they were a family of squirrels or maybe ducks, they had to be out there. If they were human, he decided that they didn't deserve Ichigo. Tomura had connections, he had skills, he had seen every possible government record and Ichigo or anyone who matched their description didn't exist. If they were animals...well then he just felt bad. Someone's cygnet or kitten had wandered off and he had just taken them. 

But that wasn't the point. The villain sighed and rubbed his temples. He stared at the blindingly bright computer screen in front of him with bleary eyes. 

It was nearing 3 am and Tomura really needed to sleep. 

He glanced around the dark room, unblinking. It felt like every day he found himself thinking of how hard it was to raise a kid. 

Still, he would probably murder any squirrel parent that came back to take Ichigo. 

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Dabi and Toga...where did he begin. Excellent, promising villains obviously. They were violent and held a grudge against hero society that rivaled Tomura's own. Toga was insane in one way, Dabi was insane in another, but they also seemed to get along like a house on fire. 

It was strange to watch. 

"Hey Shigi what do you do in your off time? You're only here on weekends, do you have a 9 to 5?" Dabi asked, sitting down on the bar instead of one of the stools. Tomura rolled his eyes. 

"I have no reason to explain my life to you.". 

"No one ever has a reason to explain their life to someone." Dabi replied. "I just wanna know what our fearless leader does all day.". 

"Very boring things." Tomura answered. 

"Really? Do you watch like All Might documentaries and videos all day? To analyze his movement or something?". 

"Yeah! Is that what you do? Or do you and All For One like braid each other's hair and have sleepovers? Or is he like your dad?" Toga pestered, laying across the bar. Tomura felt his eye twitch. 

"He is my teacher." The villain gritted out. He didn't really answer the question, but he didn't want to entertain the ideas they were having. 

Excellent, promising villains obviously. But also massive idiots who had no boundaries. 

He supposed when you presumably spent as much time on the streets as teens as they did, you ended up like that. Trying to get normal social interaction where you could. 

It was better than those who became cagey and aggressive, he supposed. 

"I'm leaving now." He announced. It was almost dinner time and he needed to pick Ichigo up from Ikoma's. The woman had been kind enough to sacrifice her Saturday afternoon to babysit the toddler, she at least deserved to be able to eat dinner without having to clean sauce off the the ceiling. 

(How the kid managed to do it every time was a mystery to Tomura)

"Ooh, do you have a dinner date or something?" Dabi asked. 

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