29: Never The Same

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Even though he knew it was eventually coming, Toshinori still froze when it came. 

The moment that his motivations would have to be revealed, when he'd have to explain why he had fought so hard to keep Tomura outside the prison system and in as safe an environment as possible. 

He knew he'd have to explain eventually. 

But he still stopped breathing when in the kitchen on a normal, silent Tuesday morning, Ichigo asked him 'who the lady in his phone is'.

Tomura had a clear view of his home screen, a photo of Toshinori in high school posing next to a less than amused Nana. 

Toshinori swallowed. "Well, you see that woman was my mentor. She taught me how to be a hero." He explained, sending small tense glances at Tomura to make sure he wasn't saying anything that the father didn't want his child asked. "She was very important to me.". 

Tomura was staring at the photo with a thousand yard stare that was completely uncharacteristic for the villain. He seemed to be contemplating something, almost looking through the picture. 

The formal villain's mouth fell open in silent shock. 

Toshinori opened the photos app and went into his 'Nana' folder. He clicked on the first one. 

"This was taken on my first day at U.A, look. I was such a bright young man back then." He commented. 

They were both doing the smile thing and Ichigo immediately went to copy. 

It was adorable, they put their fingers where dimples would be if they had them and pushed upwards to force a smile, although they were smiling already. Toshinori's heart clenched but he did the smile as well, putting his phone down. 

"See? Tons of fun. She was a great hero.". 

Ichigo was wide eyed at the new possibilities of expressions, tugging their cheeks up and down to frown and smile. 

"She was my grandmother.". 

The room went silent for a second after Tomura announced the fact, then Ichigo jumped in place. 

They were in the kitchen, so out of instinct both men moved to stop Ichigo from bumping into anything. 

"What?! She was?!" Ichigo asked, completely shocked. They looked incredibly excited by the idea. 

The memory was coming back to Tomura now completely. He was in his father's office with his sister. She was showing him the photo of their grandmother, telling him all about her. 

"Grandma was a pro hero. Did you know that? She was the best and saved tons and tons of people! Isn't that cool Tenko?" Her voice echoed is mind. 

Hazy memories passed through Tomura's mind in brief flashes, sights and smells passing him by. 

"I'm cheering you on, Tenko!"

His breath hitched as he remembered watching Hana's body fall to the ground, his quirk underdeveloped and unpracticed. She was more in chunks then completely disintegrated. 

Her scream, her body, bits of hair and scalp. The blood on the dark green lawn, shining with the streetlights. It stood out in his memory like he had experienced the whole thing in technicolor. Vivid and horrifying and detailed. 

He remembered the feeling of her dress turning to dust in his hand as he gripped it, terrified and alone. 

How had he forgotten? 

He had killed them. He had killed his whole family. 

"Daddy?". He was brought back to the real world by a tiny hand on his cheek. He was crying. He hadn't even noticed when the tears had started falling, they just had. 

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