27: Bow

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"The police have come to their decision." Tsukauchi announced, passing around printouts with the steps they were going to take written out in plain language. 

The task force looked them over, remaining in a still sort of silence. A few of them glanced around at the others, but none spoke. 

"I'll be the one to tell him." Aizawa decided. The other stared at him. 

"Aizawa, don't feel like you have to be the one-" "No.". Tsukauchi was interrupted. 

"I was the one who arrested him, it only feels right that I'm the one that tells him.".

"Sho, we don't know how he's gonna react." Hizashi cautioned. "At least agree to have someone with you.". 

"You can prepare Ichigo's bags. Get them ready to move again." The hero sounded upset by the idea of once again moving the baby, but it was a necessary evil. 

"Has anyone contacted Miss Ikoma?" Nezu asked. "She must want to see him one more time.". 

"I don't think that's a good idea.". Aizawa reached for his phone to see if Ikoma had texted him recently. "We can't tell her anything, can't contact her after he's moved. Its too complicated. She can't hear the specifics, she could put Ichigo in danger. They need to be traceless if this going to work, or we wont be able to move them to a new home.". 

Hizashi started making notes of all of the things he'd have to pack for Ichigo. The bunny that Ichigo had cried to get back, that had been somehow named 'Mai-bunny' because of how often Ichigo called it 'my bunny'. There were all his new toys, because the ones back at the apartment still couldn't be touched, the booster seat, car seat, bath supplies and toys, clothes, shoes-god. Kids were so hard to deal with. 

Not that Hizashi was relinquishing his near two week stint as Ichigo's main caregiver happily. He'd keep the little angel forever if it was up to him. Ichigo had steadily opened up to him and Shota. They were really getting comfortable with each other, and Hizashi had realized ages ago that when Ichigo left it would leave a distinct, toddler shaped hole in his heart. 

Still, he knew this was for the best. There was probably no better outcome for Ichigo, complicated as this one was. He could only hope that he and Shota did a good enough job that Ichigo would try to remember them fondly, if they even ended up remembering them at all. 

"Then we're all in agreement?" Tsukauchi inquired, using the desk to straighten out another pile of papers. 

"Has All Might seen these?" Midnight asked, shaking the paper for emphasis. 

"We would never put something like this forwards without his explicit permission." The detective assured her. "We had decided long ago that Shigaraki staying at U.A couldn't be a long term solution. Its too close to the students, and although he no longer expresses any interest in villainy or causing harm, it would make the students uncomfortable if they knew he was here. Similarly Ichigo's appearance too closely resembles their father.". 

The room nodded in agreement. This was the only solution, as hard as it was to come to. Days of negotiation and discussion. Nezu had advocated for Ichigo staying at U.A, like Eri. Shota and Hizashi however, being the ones most dedicated to Ichigo's ensured future, had argued he needed concrete parental figures, and had said Eri needed the same. 

That had led to them agreeing to become those parental figures for Eri, but that was beside the point. 

The police had tried to argue for the obvious option-throwing Shigaraki in Tartarus and rehoming Ichigo. And All Might had tried hard to fight against that, truly advocating for both father and child. 

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