Chapter 3

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My body begins to sweat after only a few minutes of exertion in the hot sun when I go for a walk. It would appear that members of the Horde do not sweat and have no requirement for anything that could assist them with this matter.

We humans, on the other hand, sweat a great deal, and consequently, we frequently need to go take a quick dip in the water to help remove the odor from our bodies.

Slaves are provided with worn-out clothing, which makes it abundantly clear that we do not belong here.

The women are always attired in stunning dresses made of high-quality materials and accessorized with exquisite jewelry. They have the look of models, and I'm not even joking about that. Each and every one of them is stunning, and the clothes that they wear only serve to accentuate their natural attractiveness.

Horde men generally go about their daily lives wearing a lot less clothing than the women do. They wear garments that resemble skirts made of fur or leather, which cover the lower half of their bodies. They never wear anything on their chests other than the magical armor.

Even now, I have no clue how something like that could possibly function.

They don't even have to say a word; suddenly, the chest and the rest of the body are covered with a layer of hard, impenetrable metal. One minute, the armor is nowhere to be seen; the next second, boom!

Seeing it in action is actually pretty cool, I can not lie about that.

"I noticed that you finally fixed the holes in your tent, Kiley," As we made our way towards the main area of the camp, a fellow slave woman by the name of Sarah whispered to me.

"Yeah. Because I believe that it will rain today, I decided that I did not want to risk getting soaked once again." I grumbled while I was still only half awake and had the overwhelming desire to go back home and hide under my musty fur blanket.

"Looks like it." She mutters under her breath while staring at the sky.

The clouds are blocking out both suns; yes, there are actually two suns on this planet. The first one is very large and bright yellow, while the other is quite a bit smaller and bright red. There was discussion about them in the classes that we attended, but I cannot recall the details of that discussion at this time.

I wasn't the best student in class.

I was never one to pay close attention.


"Yesterday, while I was cleaning the king's home, I overheard a very important conversation." She uttered the words in a hushed tone while glancing around with wide eyes to ensure that no one had overheard what she had said.

"Yeah?" I asked, maintaining the same low volume.

It is in no way our business to overhear what they are saying to one another. We are only supposed to carry out our assigned responsibilities while maintaining silence and acting as if we are unaware of anything that we are not supposed to hear or see.

"Yes. The idea having a bride hunt was discussed by a few men, including the king." She hurried out, a worried frown forming on her lips as we walked closer to the main area of camp.

"A bride hunt? What? I thought that they did not want to put their precious females in harm's way." I rolled my eyes and let out a snort of laughter.

I have seen those women fight, and they are not delicate flowers that will wither away. They are more than capable of defending themselves in a brawl.

"Yes. Some men are even asking for a human bride." As she continues to tell me, a tone of shock can be heard in her voice.

"What? I thought the Horde thinks that they are to superior to mate with humans." I asked with a look of complete bewilderment on my face, and at the same time, I came dangerously close to tripping over a rock because I was not paying attention to where I was walking. Instead, I can't take my gaze off of her.

"They are, or more accurately, they were. I guess. I have no idea, but a few of the males have mentioned that they are ready to mate, despite the fact that they cannot do so with the females. They want children." She spoke quietly while expressing her approval of the proposition through her expression.

"Wait. You want be a bride, don't you?" I asked in a hurry.


That cannot possibly be what she wants.

"Why shouldn't I? If I were to become a bride it would not longer be necessary for me to serve as a slave." She gushed out, a huge smile replacing the frown that had been on her lips before she spoke. "Just do it. Kiley, you can't possibly mean to say that you'd prefer the role of a slave to that of a bride."

"We are slaves! They do not desire us to be their true partners! They would only be interested in breeding us like animals on a farm. I would prefer to remain a slave. I long for the kind of love that my parents had." I mutter while a sharp pain shoots through my chest. Memories of times spent with my parents are making their way into my head.

"You're talking silly. If I have the opportunity, I will take it, and it would be foolish on your part to pass it up. There's always a chance that I could find myself a captain." She giggled.

Oh god.

If she is serious about doing this, she should at least set her sights relatively low and try to become the bride of one of the Workers. At least, compared to the Captains, who constantly growl and yell at us slaves, those appear to have a more civilized demeanor.

"A Worker or a Planter is what I would recommend. You shouldn't try to become the bride of a captain. They are emotionless and show no signs of having any feelings at all." I told her, holding out hope that I could sway her opinion in some way.

"No. I want to be with at least a captain, but ultimately I want to be the bride of the king. I really wish that he would participate in the hunt." She whimpered.

The pain in my head is starting to get worse.

I simply cannot believe what she is telling me right now. There is no way that the king will mate with a human.

"Does the king have any intention of joining?" I was interested, so I asked.

Not that I am interested in him, just the conversation.

"No. He promised that he would give some thought to what his men has asked of him, but at this time he is not interested in taking a bride." She let out a mournful sigh.

Thank goodness.

"Just do not get your hopes up. It's possible that the king won't even give in to the men and give them what they want. He cannot just make a decision like that for the Horde race without first consulting the other kings of the Horde, so he will need to have a conversation with them first." I say to her in a low voice.

Because of their inherent pride and the fact that the Horde is one of the races that does not wish to mix DNA, I have a hard time believing that all four kings will agree to this.

"I know. I am aware, but I can still wish." She smiled briefly before waving goodbye and moving on to another part of the camp after a hearty laugh.

I have no idea if the men of the Horde and human female are even capable of having sexual encounters.

I seriously doubt that even one of them has made an effort to find out. Is it even possible for humans to carry their young? There are a lot of things that are unknown about our two different races.

They have no idea whether or not it will even work, but I suppose it is worth trying to find out in order to save their race.

I just really hope that nothing bad takes place. It is not acceptable for them to coerce us into becoming their wives. That is a fate even more deplorable than being a slave.

I fervently pray to our human god that, if it does take place, I will not be among those who are selected. I have nothing against the men of the Horde; they are not overly harsh masters as long as we do what we are supposed to do, and I have nothing against them.

I just don't want to be coerced into an alien marriage that I don't want, and I don't want a husband who only wants to breed with me. I don't want to be forced into a marriage with an alien. If I had to choose, I'd rather go through life on my own than be tied down to someone who would just use me as a breeding mare for their freaking offspring.

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