Chapter 7

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As soon as I was finished sewing up the king's cut, I excused myself and left his home. By the stars, that was nerve-racking. I have never even been around a horde king before, and I'm not entirely sure if I ever want to be again. He was huge and scary. It took all my composure to stay calm and not run out of his home like a scared little rat when he would snap at me.

I was walking fast as I could back to the sewing tent when I was stopped by a female member of the Horde.

“I need assistance.” She stated as she held out her hand and stopped me in my tracks.

“Of course. With what?” I asked and made sure I kept my eyes cast down. It was a spoken rule around here that the remaining women who survived the disease were to be treated with just as much respect as the men. I hate doing that, though, because the women think they are entitled to walk all over us, little human women.

This one Sakshi was one of the worst ones. She has gotten me in trouble a few times in the past, all because she and I quote wanted to be entertained. She watched as I was tied up to the silver pole in the middle of the street and whipped several occasions for being in the medical tent, looking for something to ease the old man's pain before passing.

“This” She spat as she hurled a gown against my body. The force she put behind it almost sent me flying backward onto my ass.“ I demand it done by later today. They are hosting the gallery tonight, and I need to look my best. I crave to be picked for the female hunt this year.”

Oh, it's finally happening? I thought the Horde Kings decided to stop the hunt because the females were so few in numbers? I wondered what had changed.

“I will try my best. I have much to do today-” I struggled to explain to her that I still had to help in the kitchen today but as I tried to explain to her, her face started turning an even darker grey informing me she was going into a rage.

Over a dress?

“I don't care what you have to do, slave. I want this gown done before tonight, or I will be speaking to the king and your supervisor about this.” She growled before walking away from me, not giving me the chance to say anything back to her.

That rude woman!

Does she not understand I have other things to worry about, then a dress for a bride hunt that shouldn't and wasn't even supposed to be happening this year?

Of course, she doesn't care. They all think they can walk around here being bullies to us human women, all because they are so few in numbers. It's out of this world how stupid they all act and how ridiculous some Horde members fall over each other to please them.

I don't even know why. They can't even give them offspring. They are, from what I hear, a few captains say, useless. It is only good to take to bed, but I can't breed and help the race.

I agree. I have yet to meet a nice female Horde member since I have lived on this planet. Granted, I have only been here in the south, I have never been to any other territories to see how the other Horde female members act in the other lands.

I sighed loudly and went to the kitchen and began helping with the preparations for the next meal. It took me about forty minutes, and that was with me dashing around like a crazy woman.

It was past lunchtime when I finished patching up the little torn areas of the dress. I ended up having to pass up all of my meals today. I missed the time slots for slaves to be able to eat. We are only allowed two, so that means I'll end up going to bed hungry becau I had no other choice but skip both of my meal slots today in order to get all my work done because I knew if I didn't and didn't finish this dress she would come to my tent causing a scene and would end up having me back tied to that damn punishment pole.

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