Chapter 6

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I quickly followed the King into his home, making sure to keep my head down and not look at his face as I heard the door slamming closed behind me making me jump.

Goodness Kiley.


I slowly look around his home, it is only a one room home but it's one big room. He even has an actual bed, off the floor. Oh how I would love to sleep for one night without having the fear of something slithering into my tent and attacking me.

I actually wake up multiple times a night just to check over the floor to make sure that I am still safe. The Hordes people do not need to worry about such things, their skin is a lot harder to pierce than ours.

His bed is covered with white fur and I know instantly that it is from the animal they called Nsshu. It's what us humans call a tiger, though the Nsshu is a heck of a lot bigger than a tiger. It is like twice the size, hell three times more like it. The king even has a small table with a few chairs sitting around it.

He must have taken full advantage of the human wood knowing skills, not that I can really blame him.

I have been living in my small tent for years and it is completely miserable, it is actually starting to fall apart. I do not know what I am going to do when it does. I will have to find a big tree to sleep under or maybe I could sneak into one of the work tents to sleep in.

"The tools you need are on the table. I had Azzuara bring it inside for me. She said that would be all I needed." He grunted, and I moved my eyes to the top of his beautiful kitchen table and sure enough I seen the skinny thread and a small thing knife point serving as the needle sitting together.

"Did she bring you anything for the pain?" I asked softly, while walking over to the table and not seeing any kind of medicine.

Surely he does not wish for me to push the knife into his skin without anything for the pain.

"What? Female, I do not need anything for the pain! I will not even feel it." He sighed and stomped over towards the table, I shove my head downwards looking back down at my bloody feet as he all but threw himself into one of the chairs. "You should have paid attention, while attending your schooling. You're annoying me." He spits out, making me jump a few feet away from the table.

Well excuse the stars out of me.

I should not have even asked about pain medication. I will never say such a thing out loud but I would not mind hurting the king with this skinny knife for him being rude.

"I am sorry, king, please forgive me." I rushed out quickly, stammering over my words, hoping he does not call one of the captains inside here to punish me.

I sucked in a huge breath and raised my shaking hands up onto the table and picked up the knife and the thread, feeling myself starting to shake and I just pray my legs don't give out from underneath me.

Do not embarrass yourself in front of the king Kiley.

"Stop saying sorry and get on with it female! I need to attend to my men." He growled and again, I felt the ground underneath me shake.

"Yes, king." I say softly, as I watch him bring his long golden leg over the table, letting his foot hang over the side.

When I say golden, I don't mean bright gold. The men do not look like rainbows, they are all grey but have colorful tones around their bodies.

Like what humans refer to as glitter or dust.

I quickly loop the thread inside the alien made hole into the knife and as I get a closer look I see that it is not actually a knife but some sort of bone.

Really? This is disgusting.

"Has this been cleaned?" I rushed out, and asked him. I can not just stick a dirty bone into someone's skin and certainly not the king himself.

What if he dies?

I will for sure die myself. The Hordes men will kill me without a second thought. I already know what they do to theifs, I do not want to find out what they will do to someone for killing their king.

"Cleaned?" He snapped out, and for a second time I forgot myself and the blasted rules. I jerked my head up and held up the bone with a confused expression on my face.

I stare into his handsome Alien face, seeing his fangs starting to come out of his mouth but I do not even flinch away. I refuse to stick a dirty bone into his skin without knowing if it has been properly cleaned.

"Yes, king. Cleaned. Has someone washed it before bringing it to you? Animals carry sickness, it could spread into you." I sighed, knowing my mouth is fixing to get me in some deep trouble with the Alien Horde king.

He does not say anything for several seconds, just stares back up at me with an unreadable expression. Something flashes around his skin and I see that the markings around his skin start to glow.

Oh the galaxy goddess. I pissed off the king.

"It was cleaned female." He grunts, before bringing his hands to his face, rubbing it hard.

"Oh, that is good then. I would have cleaned it if it had not been properly cleaned." I whispered, and quickly took my gaze off of his face and back onto his bleeding foot.

"You were worried about me, little female?" He whispered, his light growling tone sent shivers through my body.

Well of course I was worried! If I killed the king I would die. Who in the skies would not be worried about something like that?

"Yes." I murmed before bringing the tip of the bone to my teeth, using them to pull the thread knot tight, making sure it would not come undone.

"Don't worry female. We do not get sickness like you weak humans do." He grunts.

Weak humans?

Yes. We are a lot weaker than the Horde members but we work our asses off around here just like the rest of the members. We are slaves but we definitely pull our weight, it is not like we have a choice in the matter but still. We humans are not lazy.

"I am not weak. I work several hours a day in an environment that my race is not used to king. We maybe smaller than yours but we handle our own in the situation that we were dealt with. My name is Kiley." I sigh softly, getting annoyed that he keeps calling me female.

I understand they do not see the need to learn out names, they simply just call us female, male or human and it is very annoying.

We have to address them by their titles, they can at least learn our names. I will not admit this out loud but the king calling me little female, well I kinda liked it.

"What are your duties then, Kiley?" The king asked, as I started to push the bone into his skin.

"Kitchen and sewing. Clothes never what I am doing now." I hummed, trying to consentrate.

"Your feet look horrible." He growled, and I looked up forgetting myself and seeing him shaking his head disapprovingly, his golden eyes staring down at my shoes. "You must walk a lot."

"Yeah, I guess so." I whispered.

He did not say anything back and I slowly and carefully finished sewing his skin together, watching as his skin starts to heal in front of my eyes.

That is just amazing, we human are definitely lacking.

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