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Victor POV~

Why is the bed cold? Cold and wet and- fuck no.

Fuck no.

"You've got to be kidding me."

"M sworry Vicki." Jason was standing on the floor butt naked hugging a large pillow with his boxer and trousers laying on the floor.

"Why did you take off your underwear?" I asked sitting up from the uncomfortable wet and soggy bed, I will never allow a toddler to sleep with me again. I know I should've let him sleep in a diaper.

"Gross and wet, so I take it off." He pouts when I restrain him from getting back on the bed. "Wut?" He questioned giving me a cute little glare.

I pick him up by his shirt taking him by surprise.

"Hey!" He squeals in between his giggling.

I should have bought a house here instead of staying in a hotel. It appears I'll have to remain longer than anticipated until I can convince Elora to move back to London.

"Vicki, put me down." He squeals while squirming.

I smirk when I spot the shower, "You little brat."

I put him in, and close the shower door, ignoring his giggles. "Enjoying the water young man," I asked shampooing his hair, he pouts and turns his head away.

"You're a big meanie."

I huffed and give him a shower then take mine right after him. Jason is my baby cousin Danny's son. I bribed Danny to let me take him here so I could get closer to Elora and Brianna, I learned that she was intending to enroll Brianna in pre-school, so that was my best chance to pretend that I had dropped Jason off at school that day.


God if Trina know that her three year old son is two hundred and thirteen miles away from her.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked drying his hair with a towel, his black hair slowly becomes dry and messy, will have to brush that later.

"I'm not hungry."

"Don't be a baby Jason." I grumbled out,

"I am a baby."

I hum in agreement and make a room service request. I placed an order for milk, toast roll-ups, scrambled eggs, a glass of orange juice, and french cruller pastries.

"Vicki!" Waddling up to me he climb onto my lap after five failed attempts. His big doe eyes hungrily eyed the mouth-watering food on the table.

I raised my eyebrows, "Want some?"

He motions with his head, "No," while maintaining a googly gaze on the dish.

So stubborn.

"Jason-" My phone started ringing, interrupting me. "One second," I stand up and let him sit on the chair.

I went in another room to answer the call,


I could hear loud music playing on the next end. "Two days have passed Victor, bring back the kid." A tired voice said, I check the caller's ID and see that it's Danny.

"What the fuck happened to you?"

He laughs. "Trina happened, she found out that Jason isn't at his grandma's and thinks that one of my rivals has kidnapped him."

That explains. "Did you tell her he's with me?"

"Are you nuts, her son in Paris with a man whore, a womanizer? She would kill and bury me."

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