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Elora Pov~

Red all I see is red, I pinch myself several times to see if I was dreaming.

"Oh, girls excuse me I'm going to the bathroom. Babe stay here with them I'll be right back." Jennifer gives him a quick kiss before running off.

I turn my gaze to the lying dickhead, he was already smiling at us. "Goodnight ladies, you two must be Elora and Serena."

"It's Selena." Selena groaned correcting him and cast a troubled side glance my way.

He laughs, "Yea sorry about that, my Jenny wouldn't shut up about you two."

Breath in....Breath out, hold.....inhale. He's not worth it, don't do anything you will regret.

My thoughts came to an halt when his word rings into my head.

"No, it's the first time I'm seeing her"

Son of a bitch so all this time his act was fake. Do I even know this man? Victor, Leo all this Is too hard to digest.

Leo my ass and Jennifer is his soon to be wife. What gives? Why am I feeling envious? I have no business feeling this way. I should only be enraged by his false promises to spend more time with Brianna and act as a better father figure.


What is this man up to?

I look back at him he was busy talking with Selena then his eyes caught mine and he gives me a perplexed look.

"I'm sorry but have we met before?" He asked.

The nerve of this man, Selena let out a loud gasp, and the so-called Leo was holding his jaw in disbelief at my action.

Yes, I slap him. My hand burns from the solid contact but the pleasure I feel in my heart when I slap him in the face is unspeakable.

"Why-" He tried to speak but I silenced him by giving him another slap. "What the hell is-" And another slap follows.

"You lying piece of shit! I don't even know how to describe you Victor or should I say, Leo." I laugh like a maniac saying the name. "You're pathetic." After saying that I walk away leaving him and Selena behind. What baffles me though, is that he appears to be telling the truth.

Screw that shit, I need a drink.


I will never get drunk again and that's a promise. My head pounds harder as I sit up from the bed pushing off someone's arm from around my waist. Last night after I slap Victor I drank till I couldn't feel my legs. The last thing I remembered was walking off to the dance floor.

I attempted to stand up when a voice behind me spoke. "Where are you going?"

The husky voice sounds half asleep. "Hm?" The person questioned again.

Tell me it's not what I think it is, I slowly turn around and laying next to me was a handsome Greek god. (A/N: they always gotta be handsome😂)

I gasp as the cover slips off of him as he turns, revealing his half-naked body, he was only wearing boxers. I instantly glance at myself to realize that what I was wearing was an oversized T-shirt and not the outfit from last night.

A deep chuckle sounded throughout the room. "Close your mouth darling."

"Did we-" I wanted to finish but I couldn't get myself to.

"Did we what?" He raised his eyebrows and his green eyes stare at me with amusement.

"You know."

He grins, "Made love?"

I nod while eagerly awaiting his response.

"Almost, but I couldn't take advantage of a drunk girl." He said with a wink.

Dumbfounded once more, I nodded. "Then why am I wearing this." I spoke regarding the t-shirt. "and why are you only wearing boxers."

He gasps dramatically and pulls the sheet over his lower half, I let out a little laugh at his action.

"Your clothes was covered in vomit. I change you into that." He adds while standing up.

I give him a dirty look and he laughs holding up his hands. "I didn't look I promise but you don't have anything that I haven't seen before in all shapes and sizes," He said with a chuckle.

Well that's a relief, "Thank you." I give him a little smile which he returns.

"You're welcome baby doll, but I rather you thank me by giving me your number." He pulls out a phone from under his pillow and hands it to me.

Why not, he seems like a decent guy, and he passed up the opportunity to sleep with me last night even though he had one. I give him the phone back after saving my contact.

"I have to go now." I pick up my Niki boots that I spotted a minute ago in the corner.

"Your dress is in the bathroom I'll go get it." He walks into another room which I assume is the bathroom.


I take the dress from him. "I'm leaving now."

"Take care baby doll, I'll call you."

"Wait, I didn't get your name." I mentioned turning back.


After getting out of Gray's room I make my way back to the main space where the party was taking place. There were still people there most of them were sleeping some were trying to sober up.

"Shit." I cursed when I remember I abandoned Selena out here by herself.

I dial her number on my phone, a loud ringtone echoes across the room, and I follow the sound. Jennifer was sound asleep on top of her as she lay on a couch.

"Selena wake up."I muttered as I pulled her up I check the time and it was 5:36 a.m. I should have been home hours ago.

"Jesus is that you?" Selena mumbled rubbing my cheek lovingly I scowl and shove her hand away

"How much did you drink?" I asked pulling her outside with me.

"Lord forgive me for I have sin." She murmurs stumbling behind me.


I immediately enter the house after pulling up in my garage.

"I'm sorry Ms. Wilson, I'm a little late." I apologize as I enter the house.

Ms. Wilson is my neighbor she was looking after Brianna while I was out. I assured her I'd be back by 12 and now it's 8 poor woman.

All the lights were off so head upstairs to Brianna's room. "Brianna?" I call and switch on the lights.

I scream when I see Victor sitting on her bed with his eyes fixed on me.

"Where were you." He asked holding me under his gaze.

Vote, Vote, Vote, please don't be a ghost reader.

Any feedback?

Sorry for any mistake.


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