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Victor Pov~

To say that I'm nervous would be an understatement. I'm not sure why I'm behaving in this manner considering that I'm Victor Alejandro Darius. Hearing the name makes me smirk and straighten my posture with pride. Someone whines which make me smirk even wider.

"How you liking the onesie Jason?" I asked looking down a the raging toddler who's handsomely dressed in a purple onesie all thanks to me. Instead of a stylish suit, I purchased him a sweet little onesie as punishment for the deed he committed earlier. The apartment is a wreck as a result of the struggle I went through to get the thing on him.

He sniffs. "M not talking to u." Pulling the unicorn hoodie off his head.

I roll my eyes and return my gaze to the little house. I wonder what they're doing now. Opp- as I remember, I open the car door and take out two small boxes. I took Jason's advice and bought both girls a present. I purchased them each a jewelry set that included a name-engraved gold and diamond necklace.

Don't even ask how much it cost.

Jason clear his throat, annoyed. "U go'na stand there wooking like MIBee or we go'na go inswide."


I choose to ignore him and make my way to the door. I'm in no mood to translate baby language. I casually knock on the door and wait patiently for it to be open. I was about to knock again when the door opens revealing a fatigue Ms. Walters when she spotted me her eyes widen and her lips form an O shape.


That heavenly voice.

"Ms. Walter." I greeted back with a nod. She was dressed in casual wear, an oversize T-shirt and grey leggings. Which brings me back to wondering what is MIB?

"What's MIB?" Well, I need to know somehow.

She frowns and cast a glance at what I was wearing. "Men In Black... I think?"

I couldn't help but take a closer look at my outfit, I was wearing an all-black combination. Black pants, a black shirt, and black designer boots.

Men In Black that little dipshit. The little devil giggles as though he senses what I'm thinking. I send a deadly glare his way, a loud snicker makes me turn to look at Elora, who is attempting to contain her laughter.

How dear them.

"Is something funny Ms. Walters?" I asked with my eyebrow raised. She clears her throat and chuckled.

"Not at all. Um please come in." I enter immediately after she moves aside.

She gasps, and squeals, I turn around and roll my eyes at the two. "Hey, cutie." Elora happily said and kneels to Jason's height. The little demon smirks when our eyes meet and that's when it came flashing back.

One work n she'll be on her wees.

"You're pweety." He smiles shyly.

If looks could kill the kid would six foot deep.

"Aw thank you sweetie."

I scoff and walk away from the two.

Jealous I see

Me, jealous over a three year Old boy? Nonsense

I begin to wander a little bit around the house. The furniture blends remarkably well with the theme considering how colorful it is, how diverse the wall designs are, and how basic the floor is in brown. Even though I would prefer to decorate in white, blue, or black, too many colors strain my eyes.

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