danger of the conscience

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She let out a laugh. "I don't think I should. That could kill you. Or do something worse."

"It won't."

"And how do you know?"

I shrugged. "I just do."

She shifted the box in her hands. "Maybe we should speak with the others about this. I don't feel comfortable-"

I shook my head. "Levana, please," I cut her off. "I need your help. I need to be ready for the celestials."

"Fae," she said walking towards me. "I know you're being plagued by nightmares, but you're safe. I swear it. Let your mind heal. Rest."

I rolled my eyes. "That's the thing. I don't feel safe. Levana, I beg of you. I can't lose anyone else."

She stared at me as if she was thinking, then shook her head. "I'm sorry, Fae. I can't. Now go home and rest." Walking past me, she went towards her front door.

"Leave it be, Faeda."

I ignored him, turning towards Levana. "If you don't help me, I'll search for someone who will. Now, that...that will probably kill me."

She paused and I watched her shoulders sag. "Come on."

I let out a breath I was holding and followed her in. Turning on her lanterns, she placed the box on her desk. "Follow me."

I followed her past her desk as she opened the wall to a much larger room. A large bed with a colorful blanket sat in the middle. "Lay down."


"It will put a toll on you."

I nodded, walking over to the bed, lying in the center.

"Please, Faeda. You can still change your mind."


"Did you say something?" asked Levana, bringing a chair next to me. I shook my head. She nodded, sitting down. "Are you sure you want this?"


Nodding, she grabbed my hand as Beta began moving. I stared up at the ceiling, waiting for the bite. Seconds later, it came and my vision went white.


"Still nothing?"

"I'm afraid not."

"It's been days, Levana. Can you not reach her mind?"

She groaned. "For the one hundredth time, Kaius. I can't. It weakened me. I'm still not fully myself yet."

"Kaius, calm down. She still has a pulse."

"Whatever, Ren," scoffed Kaius. He sounded frustrated.

I tried to open my eyes, but couldn't. My body felt heavy.

"Kaius," said Nissa, "I know you're worried. We all are. It's just a waiting game. Now, the festival is beginning and I want us all there."

Groans filled the room. "Nissa," said Kaius. "I'm not in a festival mood."

"Well, that's too bad. Since Levana's place is close to it, we will take shifts just in case she wakes up. We all need a break."

A chorus of fine's and okay's went around the room. I needed to get up. Why couldn't I move my body? Did Levana do it? My head hurt, so that must be a good sign.

Hours seemed to pass, and I was finally able to move my fingers. I focused and forced my body to move.

Come on, Fae. Push yourself.

Last of Her Kind (Book 1, Part 1, of the LAST series)Where stories live. Discover now