771 16 12

Essex, England

I'm house sitting while my Mum is out drinking with her friends. I only lived with her since Dad's passing, and I'm the only daughter.

Like most adolescents, I'm also on social media. I'm just lying down on the living room couch while the TV is on, scrolling through Instagram posts.

Like, like, like. I double tapped all my friend's posts.

I remembered there is this strange girl at the school library. She's unbelievably stunning but her behaviour is odd, her gaze is always on me all along while her lips murmured something inaudible as if she is reading some spell to me.

Not long after that, I got a text from my best friend at school, Steve. He's a geek and a bookworm at the same time, it's quite difficult to describe him. Steve is clever and he wore black framed glasses, he has sideways bangs,straight brown hair. His eye orbs is hazel.

Steve: I brought a new autobioghraphy book it's limited editions

Here we go with the 'book talk' again. Steve understand me and my interests best, even if i'm not too keen on his interest I tried to appreciate it.

Me: Great! Whose autobioghraphy is it?


5 minutes later

Steve: Malcolm X. can't wait to read it soon

Gosh, I wonder if in 30 years Steve will end up as a Harvard Professor.

Me: Cool lol


7 minutes later

Steve: what are u up to?

I type instantly...

Me: house sitting. Mum's out with friend. You?

5 minutes later

Steve: I'm listening to music and also house sitting xD

Me: what a coincidence. Where's your parents?

Steve: both are at work. Just me and my dog

Me: being home alone sucks.

Steve: Right. At least I have my dog :p

Me: lucky you :/ i'm completely alone.

Steve: if I'm not house sitting I will come over

Me: ughhh I hate being home alone and this happened constantly

Steve: you can do whatever you want without supervision ;)

Me: like what?

Steve: dancing, for example.

Me: that's too embarassing. Even the ghost in my house will laugh at me.


Steve: so you believe in ghost?

Me: Well ugh, I believe it does exist.

As soon as I sent my last text, I heard someone digging dirt in my backyard.

Steve replied to my text instantly.

Steve: Don't worry they're harmless.

Me: I heard someone digging something in my backyard

Steve: are you serious?

Me: I'm not telling porkies.

Steve: Who?

Me: I don't know...

Steve: Be careful, call 999 if it's a stranger.

Me: it must be stranger. Who the hell on their right mind would do this.

Steve: LOL, I'm sorry but but you're making me laugh

Steve: check carefully!

Me: Ok wait

I put my phone on my living room table as I tiptoed to the back door. Through the back window, I could see a petite figure wearing black hoodie digging using Mum's shovel. The fuck?

I decided to lock the back door and sprinted to my living room to grab my phone back.

Me: STEVE!! I saw someone digging dirt on my backyard!! Whoever was that is wearing a hoodie!

Steve: wtf? Call 999!

I heard my back window glass is broken, that person must've destroyed the window using hammer or another blunt object. I screamed and I'm in a deep state of shock.

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