285 5 2

London, England
Year of 1957

I'm on my way home, holding a lantern. It's drizzling tonight, and I've just visited my sick Nan. It seems like she caught a terrible cold but Mum insisted I had to see her, because, who knows her time is up soon.

As I walked through the muddy road along with the drizzle, I walked past an old cemetery. My Nan said, she used to play just outside the cemetery with her peers, luckily I never did the same because I'm so freaked out by the idea of revived corpse.

I heard someone cleared his throat right behind me, I turned around, I spotted a tall chap dressed neatly like in Victorian era. he looked quite charming.

"Wh-who are you?" I squinted my eyes.

"I'm Derek. How do I get back home?" He asked me a rather bizarre questions.

First, he popped up out of the blue when I walked past an old cemetery, secondly he asked a route for his home when I clearly never met him before.

"Where is your address?"

"Fulham road" he replied

"Huh? I never heard that road before.."

"Can you walk me there? I'll guide you" He said.

"Sure, are you a pilgrims?"

"Yeah. I've just visited the cemetery.."

"whose cemetery?"

"Mine." He replied before a thunder strikes, I screamed on top of my lungs due to the shock.

I turned around and I saw him vanished completely into thin air.

I sprinted away as fast as I could to my neighbourhood, and I never heard or met Derek again.

I didn't know what to make of it, whether it's just a sick prank or .. Derek does exist.. but he's buried deep inside the ground..and the creatures I met last night is most likely.. his spirit.

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