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My body is shaking and I called 999 directly.

"999, what's your emergency?" The female dispatcher said on the line.

"Someone broke into my house.." I muttered.

"Can you describe to me how the person looked like?"

"I don't know.. the person is wearing a hoodie.." I whispered on the line because I could heard a footsteps is on it's way to find me.

I dropped my phone once I saw that strange girl in the library, her face is dirty covered in dirt and she stared at me vehemently. She really is creepy.

"You! What do you want!!" I shouted at her.

"Ma'am? What's going on?" The 999 dispatcher asked.

"Just send officers to Barlow road now!" I yelled to the dispatcher then I ended the call with 999.

Without saying a word, she pulled out a pocket knife out of her hoodie pocket.

I screamed on top of my lungs then I sprinted upstairs, she chased after me but I managed to get into my room and I locked it instantly.

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE, BITCH!" I screamed at her.

No words from her. She began banging on my door.

"What the fuck do you want! Why do you hate me so much!!"

Still, no answer from her. She truly sent chill down my spine.

"Bloody fucking hell! Go away!! The police are on their way and if you don't go... you'll be arrested!" I yelled at her.

She is still mute, but instead, I heard her murmuring something like a spell.


She then banging on the door aggressively, and in a frantic state I dragged my dresser and my study table to block her from entering even if I locked my door.

"now.. your time is up" that's the first word she said, then she chuckled.

"You insane witch!!!"

"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!!" She shouted as she kept on banging brutally.

I opened my room window and I jumped from the second floor, the distance between the second floor and the ground is not too far luckily.

With a little bit limp, I tried to flee my residence and luckily I heard police sirens coming my way.


One of the officer got out of the police car and approaching me, I explained frantically what had happened.

The officers broke into my house and went upstairs, I followed from behind and there we found her lying in a pool of blood. She stabbed her chest multiple times using her knife pocket.

One of the officers wearing gloves and inspected her dead body, and they found a tiny letter who happened to be hanging outside her hoodie pocket.

it reads..

I'm invisible, she can't see me but I see her

I'm always watching to make sure she is okay

she is so into him that she never pay attention to me

tonight, I dug her grave

After I ripped her beautiful face apart, I'll kill myself, hoping we will buried next to each other

She's my definition of magnificence

I really have to taste her blood

I'm thirsty of it

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