--=Waking Up=--

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(Y/N's POV)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

You woke up, suddenly from a deep dreamless slumber. Well, almost dreamless. You had had a strange dream the night before, shortly after you fell asleep, you had felt a falling sensation, as if you had jumped off from somewhere of some height. There was a ringing in your ears, and you felt dizzy, although you couldn't figure out why. Strangely enough, you didn't feel drowsy or even tried in the slightest, which was unusual for you, considering you always felt tired in the mornings. 

You sat up slowly, groaning as you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, while giving off a huge yawn. Despite the dizziness in your head, you felt very energetic, as you felt the soft grass around you...

Wait. Grass?

Your eyes snapped open, as you looked around in bewilderment. Unable to believe what you were experiencing. You were lying in the grass, of a small rounded grassy and dusty clearing, sounded by thick dense undergrowth of what looked like some sort of forest. In the distance, the terrain was very mountainous, and hilly. Covered in what looked like huge pine forests with enormous mountain chains that towered over the Earth. 

The mountains seemed to go as far as the eye could see, with some even rising higher than the clouds. You would have thought it was rather beautiful if you hadn't been so confused. You just couldn't understand. Thinking that you were still dreaming, you lay back on the ground once more as you pinched your arm, closing your eyes. Telling yourself to wake up. It didn't work. As you tried again and again to wake up, with no success, you were just starting to panic, when suddenly you heard a deafening roar from somewhere above.

 You clambered to your feet in a panic, the dizziness and ringing in your head vanishing instantly, as your fight and flight response kicked into action. 

Looking at the sky wildly, trying to identify the source of the sound. You heard a loud noise from somewhere nearby. Not even bothering to think, you dived into the thick undergrowth, shaded by the trees. Creeping into the bushes, as deep as you could go, you lay there flat on your stomach shivering. You were scared, confused, and still in shock of how you could possibly have gone from your safe bed in your home, to the middle of the freaking wilderness. 

With each passing second, you were becoming less and less certain that it was a dream. That it wasn't real. The roar sounded again, sounding closer this time. Although, it also seemed to resemble something close to... words?

You lay there, hiding for what seemed like forever, until finally, there was a whooshing swooping sound, as a huge creature, bigger than a truck, landed in the middle of the clearing where you had only been a minute ago. It was enormous. It had huge wings, that were almost as big as its body, folded at its sides, with a long neck, red and orange scales, and huge sharp teeth, with fangs that poked slightly out of its mouth. 

The descriptions of the enormous creature were all too familiar to you. It was a Dragon. Your first Dragon. You would have been amazed, and excited if you weren't so terrified. Not to mention you had no idea how a dragon could possibly exist on Earth. All you could do was hide, and hope that it didn't find you, however, you nearly gave your position away entirely when it opened its mouth and spoke in perfect English, as a second Dragon, around the same size as the first landed beside the first Dragon. 

"Have you found anything yet?" 

 It asked, in a seemingly annoyed tone. You weren't sure how you could understand its expressions or emotions so clearly, but you weren't exactly going to reveal yourself and ask. You also noticed that both Dragons had metal plating on their chests, like some sort of armor

You shrank further back into the shrubs, not wishing to be caught. 

"Nope. Come on! We've been looking for an hour! You'd think that prey would be easy to find out here." It huffed, as it poked a claw at the bushes opposite of you. 

"I told you, The Queen wants as much prey as possible for the big feast celebrating Queen Burn's arrival."

Burn... Why does that name sound familiar? You thought to yourself. The only other time you had ever known that name was In Wings of Fire... but, you couldn't possible be in the Wings of Fire world? Right?

"Huh, you'd think that capturing the supposed Dragonets of Destiny would have been enough to make her majesty happy, but instead, we're out here. I thought we'd already caught enough animals, and a few Scavengers not to mention." 

"Do you really think its them? The Dragonets of Destiny?" asked the first Dragon, before the other one just scoffed. 

"Of course its them. Haven't you seen them? Or, at least its most of them. There was no Skywing Dragonet with them." They muttered.

Your mine was racing as you listened to the two Dragons talking. These terms were only in Wings of Fire! Could it be possible... that your wish came true? Dragonets of Destiny... Scavengers... Burn... Skywings...

"Well, we're not the only ones out here. Our commander specifically told us that The Queen wants enough for the arena, and for the feast." The second dragon argued back, now sounding irritated as well. 

"Hmph, well I doubt we're going to find anything else here. Perhaps we should just take the prey we already have back to the palace. I don't think we're going to find anything else out here." The first Dragon huffed again, snorting steam out of its nostrils. 

"Alright, don't be a smoke breather." The second one said, nudging its companion slightly. You guessed that they must be friends... working for a Queen? 

If I am in Wings Of Fire, I suppose these two Dragons could be Skywings... which would mean that their Queen is... Scarlet... You thought, suppressing a shiver of nervousness at the thought of meeting the evil Queen in person. 

You had always liked her character in the books, but knowing that you could meet her, and most likely be killed by her if she caught you, made you seem slightly less eager. 

You weren't sure that you liked the sound of it, but you forced yourself to stay in the shadows. Your nose was itching like crazy, and you had to resist the urge to scratch it, which was infuriating. 

"Hey, don't call me that! You're the one that brought us out here. Remember?" The first Dragon chuckled. 

"Alright, fine. You win. Smoke breather." The second dragon laughed, preparing to take off. Both Skywings turned away, while as you began to think you were safe. That you were going to get away uncaught, and you made the mistake of letting your body relax. The tickle in your nose became unbearable... and you sneezed. You tried to muffle the sound, but you weren't quick enough, and the noise echoed slightly across the small clearing. You held your breath. 

The Dragons turned their heads around, ears alert, as their eyes scanned the clearing. 

"Did you hear that?" 

Uh oh... You thought, tensing, as the two Skywings turned around, folding their wings once more. Cautiously, they approached, looking throughout the clearing.

This is not good... 

Pyrrhia's Human (WOF x Human Male Reader) VOLUME 1Where stories live. Discover now