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You yelped as you fell forwards, stretching your arms out in front of you to break your fall. To your surprise, the hard stone that made up the pillar didn't feel as hard as you had imagined. It felt scaly, warm almost... You stopped. Something was wrong. The steady breathing coming from Tsunami had stopped. Now that you thought about it, the breathing had sounded very close. You raised your head slowly, daring yourself to look up, only to find that you had landed, with your hands outstretched directly against Tsunami's midsection.  

Startled, you stepped back quickly, which only made you clumsily fall backwards. Tsunami's body stiffened, before she raised her head, opening her eyes. 

"Who's there? If your going to take me to see your stupid Queen, then think again, because I'm not going without a fight..." She growled, as she looked around, expecting there to be Skywing guards ready to take her away. 

She was however, very suprised when she looked down, and saw you. You didn't dare move, as she stood up stretching, before she glanced down at you once more. There was a look of interest in her face, but it was quickly replaced with a look of hunger. Before you could even move, she pounced onto you, easily pinning down your small body. She looked over your body, before she grumbled to herself in annoyance. 

"Really... Couldn't they at least have given me something a little more filling? Oh well." She sighed, as she leaned her head towards you. Her jaws were wide open as you kicked and struggled. You could practically see the back of her throat. 

Wait! WAIT! STOP!" You shouted, trying to push her away as she prepared to bite down, before she stopped. 

Tsunami looked around confused, trying to pinpoint the location of the voice. She clearly didn't think it had come from you. 

"W-Who... Who said that. Wherever you are, come out!" She growled, as she scanned the area. Her talon was still on your chest, keeping you pinned against the ground. 

"Its me. I'm down here." You groaned, feeling stunned. Your heart was beating so fast you were partially worried that is would burst out of your chest. 

Tsunami looked down confused, before she stepped back in shock, taking her talon off of you, which allowed you to get up. You wobbled on your feet for a few seconds but you quickly regained balance. Tsunami was still staring at you in shock, before she blinked her eyes before a few seconds, and sat down, rubbing her head. 

"I must be dreaming... This must be a dream. No way did a Scavenger just speak... Y-You can't talk! Th-That's impossible!" She said, as she got, up, pacing several times across the small space of the platform you and her were on, before she looked back at you, her focus completely on you.  

"Can you?" She asked, seemingly haven gotten over her shock. 

"I-I, um, er, yes?" You asked uncertainly, as you were not to sure how this was going to go. So far, the Dragons that had learnt you could talk, had taken the news surprisingly well. To be completely honest, you hadn't been sure how Tsunami would've reacted, but you had thought it would have had something to do with violence. 

There was a question you had to ask her. You needed to make sure it really was Tsunami...

"Um, I just have one question to ask you..." You asked nervously. Tsunami narrowed her eyes as she looked at you, and tilted her head. 

"Go on..." She urged.

"Well, um, I just wanted to know... You're one of the Dragonets of Destiny? Right?" You continued, waiting to see Tsunami's reaction. 

This was Tsunami's second time to be shocked that evening. She looked suprised, before she leaned forwards, and starting prowling towards you. There was a suspicious look in her eyes. You backed off, your hands held out in front of you defensively. You had no idea if you had said the wrong thing, and you had a feeling you might have.

Pyrrhia's Human (WOF x Human Male Reader) VOLUME 1Where stories live. Discover now