--=A Chat=--

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Tsunami was pacing backwards and forth on her stone platform, high above the Skywing arena. She was once more alone, as she didn't have Y/N, her new Scavenger friend to talk to, and Scarlet had been cruel enough to place her friends all on separate pillars. She knew Starflight and Clay were somewhere opposite of her, and she knew that Sunny was in a horrible cage somewhere else.

However, she didn't know what had become of Y/N, after he had been kept behind to have a 'chat' with Queen Scarlet. She hoped Glory and Y/N were okay. Wherever they were.

She had wondered where Glory had gone, that was until Scarlet had revealed her. She had seen Glory, chained to what looked like a marble tree... sound asleep. Tsunami doubted that her friend would just lay there sleeping like a normal Rainwing. No. Glory was not like that. Scarlet had clearly done something to her. What angered her even more, was the fact how casually Scarlet acted about it, claiming it to be her new 'art'. 

It had been hours since Scarlet had summoned them to her throne room, and since then, she had only lay back, staring at the sky as she listened to the wind. Not that there was much else to do. Earlier that afternoon, there had been another fight in the arena below. 

It had been between a Sandwing called Horizon, and Scarlet's horrible champion: Peril the firescales. Of course, Peril had won, with the screams of Horizon, as his body was burned by Peril's scales, and the roaring and cheering of the crowd echoing up from below. 

After the battle, she had seen Glory being taken back inside the palace, still chained to her tree like something that Scarlet could just show off, however, she had seen Scarlet carrying something in her tail. It was too far away for her to see properly, due to how small it was, and she still wasn't sure. 

It couldn't have been Y/N... No way would Scarlet take Y/N with her to watch the battle. I hope he's okay... wherever he is. She thought, as her mind began to instinctively wonder back the arena battle earlier that day.

Tsunami had barely been able to watch, after what Scarlet had said. That she and her friends would be thrown into the arena at some other point. To meet a similar fate. 

All for her stupid entertainment. 

I don't understand... We're the Dragonets of Destiny. Everyone should be helping us. Instead, here we are. Stuck in a prison. Stupid Queen Scarlet... Stupid war. She thought to herself, half grumbling, before the approaching wingbeats pulled her out of her thoughts. 

She shifted her sea-blue wings into her sides, as she braced herself. A Skywing guard flew up to the pillar. Metal armor gleaming. 

Tsunami growled. "What do you want? Does your queen want another chat? Because I'm not leaving without another fight." She snapped, as she bared her teeth. 

The Skywing rolled their eyes, muttering something about stupid reckless dragonets, before Tsunami noticed they were carrying something in their talons, before it was dumped in front of her. 

The Skywing flew off, still growling to themselves. Tsunami looked down at what the guard had just dropped in front of her and gasped in surprise and shock...

It was the groaning battered body of Y/N...


A few hours earlier


Pyrrhia's Human (WOF x Human Male Reader) VOLUME 1Where stories live. Discover now