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It was sunset when Charlie and Blair made their way from Esme's house back to the car that was parked just outside the village.

They'd spent the last two hours talking to Polly and Esme, Charlie far too excited by the sight of his Aunt Polly to remember why they were even there in the first place.

The two women had given Blair all the reassurance and advice a woman in need could wish for, comforting her as she tried her best to hold back tears that threatened to flow with every spill of a word from her lips.

There will be a reason, he wouldn't do anything to ruin what you two have.

He loves you so terribly much, let him explain.

I've never seen a man so in love with a woman the way he is with you, Blair.

The words were comforting, at least for a short while, until a distant memory of hearing people say the same thing to her once upon a time before a horrendous heartbreak made it difficult for Blair to believe them.

She desperately wanted to nod in agreement and instil faith in what Esme and Polly told her, though trusting people had never come easily to her.

Blair and Charles eventually arrived home as the sky turned pink, parking the car round the side of the house.

"It's so pretty, isn't it?" Charlie said, craning his neck backwards to look up at the pastel coloured sky.

"It's beautiful, just like you." Blair said, tapping Charlie's nose, making him giggle.

They walked into the house, continuing their conversation quietly, though Blair immediately stopped speaking when she saw Tommy sat at the foot of the staircase.

He instantly jumped to his feet, walking towards them hastily with panic stricken eyes and a clenched jaw.

"Where have you been?"


"We went to see Aunt Polly and Esme, they'd baked a chocolate cake, it was delicious."

Charlie was still holding onto Blair's hand as he beamed up at his father innocently, a sweet smile with chocolate on the corners of his lips made Tommy's worries melt away for a moment, his heart beating strong for his little boy.

"Oh." Was all he said, nodding once.

"Why don't you go and change into your pyjamas, Charles? Good boy."

Blair gave the child a gentle nudge in the direction of the stairs. He let go of her hand and ran up the staircase, both adults seemingly holding their breath until they could no longer hear the weight of his footsteps on the landing.

She didn't want to look Thomas in the eye, but Blair could feel his eyes burning into her skin as she stood idly in the hall, wondering what to say.

"I promise you, Blair, it wasn't what it looked like."

Letting out a deep sigh, Blair lazily rolled her eyes, walking into the living room and perching on the arm of the sofa.

There was a bottle of whiskey on the table and a half empty glass with two ice cubes in that Tommy must've left from earlier that evening, anxiety making it impossible for him to finish his drink.

"What was she doing in your office, Tommy?"

Blair still wouldn't look at him, staring blankly at the gold plated fireplace instead, the hearth burnt black the same way her insides felt in that moment.

"She was there for work-"


Blair did look at him then. Her eyes immediately locked on his own, her brow raised inquisitively as she watched his face descend into even more panic, realising what he'd just said.

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