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Thomas hadn't slept. It had been less than twelve hours since Blair and Charlie disappeared up stairs, leaving Thomas to stare blankly at the shattered glass in the fireplace, but those hours felt like years.

Sunlight streaming through the curtains told Tommy that there was no use trying to sleep any longer. Birds were tweeting loudly outside the bedroom window and he winced as he saw the time was just after six on his pocket watch, yawning as he stretched his arms behind his back.

He dressed and headed downstairs, mumbling good morning to Frances who was already up and working around the house, though he didn't care to stay and talk to her on that particular day.

Instead, Thomas poured himself a cup of tea and wandered out into the garden, heading over the dewy grass towards the stables, mild air chilling his skin beneath his blue shirt.

The grey horse Blair had picked out on her birthday approached Thomas, nuzzling it's head into Tommy's hand as he stroked it gently.

"Why do I do the things that I do, ey?" Tommy said, sighing loudly, "I try and become a better person and I end up becoming worse. I suppose that's a sign to stop trying to change."

The horse kicked dirt with its hooves, whinnying quietly. Tommy laughed to himself, kissing his teeth as he fell deeper into thought, realising that talking to a horse wasn't going to get him anywhere, even if he did prefer them to humans most of the time.

Leant on the fencing around the paddock, Tommy bathed in the early morning sunshine whilst finishing his cup of tea, only turning to walk back towards the house when he heard his son's laughter faintly from inside.

He walked into the kitchen, setting his mug down by the sink and smiled at Charles.

"Morning, Charlie. I was thinking I could give you a horse riding lesson after you're done with your school work today, what do you think?"

Charlie was sat on his knees at the table, a glass of water in his hands that he peered over the top of as he took a sip, reserving a silence for a moment before answering.

"Can Blair come too? She likes horses."

Tommy swallowed, leaning back on the counter with his hands resting on the wood. There was no sign of Blair coming downstairs yet, but he knew she wouldn't be far behind if Charles was up and dressed.

"Of course," he nodded, "I'm sure she'd like that."

Charles gave his father a small, shy smile before thanking Frances for his breakfast, tucking into the toast straight away.

"Would you like some breakfast, Mr Shelby?" Frances asked Tommy.

He shook his head, pushing himself up off the counter, "No thank you, Frances. I have some work to be getting on with."

She just nodded, watching as Thomas walked out of the room, not before kissing the top of his son's head, squeezing his shoulders lightly.

He wandered out into the hall and in the direction of his office, frowning when he noticed the door was already open.


Blair's heart was thumping heavily when she walked straight into Thomas on her way out of his office, his hands grabbing her arms as she stumbled backwards slightly, taking a deep breath to calm herself down.

"Sorry," she said quietly, looking up into his eyes for a split second, "I was just putting some post on your desk."

Tommy shook his head, letting his hands fall down her arms so their fingers were touching, gently intertwining them together.

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