Chapter 1: It Girl

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"I'm just saying. Maybe it's time for you to get back out there," Clover teased as we reached a stop.

Looking at me with those big brown eyes full of mischief, I shook my head, reaffirming all my previous answers.

She let out a frustrated huff, "You're no fun," she said, pouting but I still wouldn't budge.

Another party was the last thing I needed right now.

"So what? You're gonna cheat on me too?" I told my best friend, who now looked at me with horror.

I chuckled at that and she swatted my arm, "That's not even funny, Lilah."

"So is trying to coax me into going to that stupid end-of-the-summer party."

Sighing, she took a left turn, entering the school zone.

"You didn't always find them stupid," she mumbled with that "gotcha" smirk on her face.

I averted my gaze from her, looking out the window in time to see my old click gathering up.

   Hanging around their expensive cars, my chest constricted when Caleb exited his brand-new Mercedes. His brown skin looked a shade closer to bronze, sun-kissed after a summer spent sailing in Saint-Tropez. He wrapped an arm around Ember's slender frame and he pressed her close before claiming her mouth with his.

   That's when I looked away, averting my eyes from the sight of my ex shoving his tongue down the throat of the very girl he cheated on me with. Instead, I glanced around the nearly full lot, seeking that familiar Jeep but knew I was looking in vain.

   Unwanted memories threatened to surge to the surface. I began to claw at my chipped nail polish, pealing off the burgundy coating. What was the point of a manicure if it always ended up like this?

"Lilah?" Clover's voice broke me free of my trance.

I remained quiet as she parked, refocusing on the conversation we were having before I got sidetracked.

She turned off the ignition and I could feel her eyes on me, watching and analyzing every breath I took. Remembering what her last comment was, I forced a small smile to look at her.

"I changed," I simply said because I had, and that was the only explanation I was willing to give.

Orientation at Richmond High School usually took place a week before the first day of school. This year, however, they decided to do it just two days before.

"I've been waiting since freshman year for this moment," Clover squealed beside me as our homeroom teacher walked in.

Mr. Martin first greeted us with a smile, his boyish good looks accentuated by the expression on his face.

   Although now married with a baby on the way, Mr. Martin remained one of our youngest teachers. His tall, dark, and handsome features always had the girls hungry for attention. With this class, it'd be no different.

I looked at Clover who was one of just a few girls ogling him shamelessly while biting her small lips in a cringe attempt to get him to notice.

I rolled my eyes in disgust.

   The school admin did him dirty by assigning him seniors. No freshman girl would act so boldly. This was borderline harassment. The rumor mill never stopped turning for this poor man, and it didn't look like this year would be any different.

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