Chapter 6: New Normal

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"You got a ride back home?" Tyreek asked as we arrived in the courtyard.

I scanned the area, noticing Delilah at a picnic table, shoving a book into her back while her friend, Clover had her eyes buried on her phone beside her.

"I'm about to find out," I said to Tyreek before advancing to where Delilah was.

As we crossed over the wide space, I could feel eyes on me.

"What? Y'all ain't never seen a dude in a wheelchair before?" Tyreek snapped, causing most onlookers to turn away in shame.

   I smirked. I missed him. Had we hung out during the last year, there's no saying what kind of trouble we would've gotten into. Once he stopped guilt-tripping, Tyreek was the kind of friend that'd steel my chair to wheely around in it and turn it into a contest.

I smiled thinking about that possibility. That could be fun.

When I reached Delilah, she had one strap over her shoulder and squinted as she looked at me, the sunbeams bringing her brown skin to life.

"Hey," I said as a form of greeting.

Delilah gave me a small smile, mouthing "Hi," before turning her attention to Tyreek next to me.

"Hey, Ty. How've you been?" she asked, offering him a polite smile.

"Same old, same old," Tyreek said, nonchalantly.

"I hear you're going to give my boy a ride home," he said, pointing at me.

"That's the plan," Delilah said, sending me a glance.


We all turned our attention to Clover, finding her fake pouting before she tilted her head this way and that, sending a knowing glance to Delilah.

"What?" Delilah asked, a bit annoyed.

Clover rolled her eyes before plastering on a fake smile.

"Hey, I'm Clover," she informed us and I nodded once.

"What's up," Tyreek said.

The girl took in a deep breath and began to ramble.

"Oh, I'm doing amazing! This morning I was so worried I'd be bored out of my mind but today was pretty fun. I cannot wait for the new student barbecue. You guys staying for it?" she somehow managed the say in one breath.

Delilah and I exchanged a glance. As I was about to answer, Tyreek beat me to it, "Hell yeah. It's all downhill from there anyway."

Clover gasped, "That's not true! What about the Thanksgiving dinner and the tree lighting ceremony? You know our class is in charge of all that this year, right?" she said, scanning all our faces and shaking her head when we all blinked at her clueless of that information.

"Anyway," Delilah drawled. She looked at me as she pointed at the parking lot with her thumb, "Ready when you are."

"Alright then," I said and then turned to Tyreek.

"See you tomorrow, man," I said as we did our handshake.

"Bet," he said.

   Clover pulled Delilah aside and whispered something in her ear. As she did this, she kept glancing at me, making it clear I was the subject of their conversation. I wondered what she was telling her.

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