xxvii. beacon hills

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Isaac Lahey— the rotting apple from the rotten tree— sat in front of Amelie Nightly— the girl creating her own blueprint— with his jaw dropped. They sat along Chris Argent— the griever— a man with crystal blue eyes that had witnessed more tragedies than both of them could count on both their hands combined, and a beard that was sprinkled like salt and pepper, as he stared at the two teenagers, who started becoming almost like his children, with hidden admiration.

The brunette, who held the weight of the world on her shoulders, laughed lightly, and leaned forward to lift his jaw back up, her fingers grazing the stubble that was starting to appear across his jaw.

"Well, not an entire army but, yeah."

The anchor crossed her arms over her chest, as she watched her best friend with amusement. Chris shook his head as he grabbed the full cup of cappuccino from the circular table that sat between them. They had decided to have lunch in a local Parisian restaurant that looked upon the infamous Eiffel Tower.

"Why are you not in shock right now?" Isaac turned to his father figure.

"Because the Anchor is one of the most powerful supernatural creatures to walk the earth," Chris shrugged.


"I told you I knew your father," Chris said nonchalantly, the words dripping off his tongue like they were the easiest words to utter to the orphaned girl, who frowned. "That meant I also knew what he was."

"Wait," Amelie paused, her eyes glancing between the two males in front of her. "Does that mean my dad knew he could do that?"


"If he did, then why didn't he use it to kill Matthew?" muttered the brunette as she picked at the skin around her nails.

     "Maybe he couldn't," Isaac shrugged, the wind around passing through his ash blonde hair, giving him a swept look.

     The beta's answer made the girl think, a permanent frown etched on her red stained lips. Chris placed a hand on top of hers— making her look up abruptly at the bearded man, who held a soft smile for her. Hesitantly, she smiled back. It's okay to grieve— he told her with his eyes, the same thing she told him the day she found him crying in his room.

     Just then, Argent's phone rang once making him sigh heavily as he picked up his phone. Amelie and Isaac went back to small talk of 'So you're gonna kill a ghost?' and 'Keep those nasty claws off my food, Lahey'.

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