liii. bloody massacre

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Amelie had never been more afraid. As she watched Liam jump to meet the Beast in the middle of the air, she could've sworn time had slowed down for just a moment. She and Stiles were now carrying an injured Liam while Hayden walked ahead of them to open up a classroom for them. Her heart was about to beat out of her chest. The roar of the Beast made them pause fearfully for a second before rushing into the classroom and slamming the door shut.

"Come on, come on!"

Hayden quickly cleared the desk, throwing everything on the floor so that Amelie and Stiles could lay Liam flat. The Beta was in pain, eyes scrunched shut and sweat rolling down his forehead, matting his hair down.

"I'm okay, I'm fine," Liam said through the pain.

Slowly, Amelie reached forward to pull away Liam's bloody jersey off his torso only to gasp in horror at the sight. The Beast had done a number on him. If it weren't for the seriousness of the situation, Amelie would have broken down crying. She glanced back at Stiles, who was having a hard time trying not to faint, and Hayden, who had her hand clasped over her mouth in shock.

"What? Is it bad?" Liam asked with wide eyes.




"Okay. Okay," Hayden took a deep breath, turning to the panicking couple, "What do you guys usually do when this happens?l

"Oh, I usually pass out," Stiles said breathily, glancing at Liam's bloody stomach, "And I think I still might do that..."

When he began to lose balance, Amelie grabbed his shoulders to keep him upright, "Stiles, focus! Hayden, Scott usually helps him trigger it with pain."

"He's already in pain!" Hayden exasperated, gesturing to the boy on the table.

"Do I look like a freaking Alpha to you!" Amelie yelled back, struggling to help Stiles stand. "I don't know, Hayden, try adding more? Maybe that could take away the pain?"

Hayden was quiet, looking at Liam with a frown. She mumbled something incoherent before leaning forward and kissing the Beta. Amelie was about to ask what the hell she was doing but when she saw the dark blood vessels on her face traveling from where their lips met, she shut up. Glancing at her boyfriend, he had the same shocked and impressed expression on his face.

When they pulled away, Liam was much more calm, making Amelie's shoulders drop with relief.

"Okay," Stiles sighed, "Next time, I'll kiss him."

"I'll go look for the others," Amelie said walking towards the door but Stiles quickly grabbed her arm, eyes wide.

"You wanna go out there? Are you out of your mind?!" Stiles squinted at her.

"Malia and Scott are still out there, they might need help!" Amelie argued, gesturing outside where students were screaming and running frantically.

"I'll come with you," Liam stood up with a grunt, showing his healed abdomen, making Amelie face Stiles again.

"Stiles, I'll be fine," She tried to reassure quietly, holding his face in her hand, "I... I promise."

He furrowed his brows. He know what promises meant to her now, how many times they'd been broken, but the way she looked at him made him realize she was serious. Sighing, he nodded before kissing her forehead. "Be safe."

She nodded with a smile before opening the door and leaving, Liam following her. For a second, they didn't know where to go with all the students running everywhere, but Liam suddenly grabbed her hand and lead her to the library.

Amelie felt the air being knocked out of her at the sight of the Beast slowly stalking in the library. Before the Anchor could stop him, Liam leaped into the air and tried to punch it with both of his fists. This boy needed to stop doing that. She watched Scott scramble away, his clothes bloody and his chest heaving.

The Beast threw Liam onto the staircase, causing him to groan out in pain. The Beast turned to Amelie, who was frozen in her place. Her eyes flickered purple, deep violet, but the Beast was unfazed.

The sound of a gun being cocked interrupted the moment. Amelie turned around to see Braeden, who began to shoot at the Beast with her shotgun. Behind her, Malia came running, eyes blue, staring at Amelie with worry. For a moment, Amelie thought the Beast would fight back, turn this library into a bloody massacre, but instead, it chose to run. With one last blood-curdling roar, it fled through the large glass window, breaking the glass and splattering it everywhere, leaving the library eerily quiet.

"You didn't seriously think you were gonna have a chance against that thing, did you?" Braeden asked Scott incredulously.

"No," Scott shook his head, a look of determination making its way to his face, "But, I got its scent."


"Scott, wait!"

Amelie and Liam followed the Alpha out of the school and to the parking lot. Scott captured the Beast's scent and was more than determined to finally catch who this teenager was. Was it someone they knew? What would they do then?

"You're hurt, Scott!" Amelie tried, "You gotta slow down!"

But Scott was having none of it. They walked quickly through the cars until Scott suddenly stopped in front of a black car. Amelie and Liam shared a worried glance when Scott open the trunk with all his strength.

"Oh my God."

In from of them, sat a pair of size-ten sneakers with bloody soles. Scott looked at Liam and Amelie, shocked at the revelation. Slowly, he picked them up, analyzing the blood on their soles. Sighing, Amelie closed the trunk, only to find Mason standing a few feet away.

"Scott? What are you doing to my car?" Mason asked with furrowed brows. It was only then did Amelie realize and it took her everything not to cry right there and then. She glanced at Scott and Liam, who held the same numb and devastated expression.

"Mason..." Amelie trailed off sadly.

"...It's you," Scott breathed.

"What?" Mason squinted, turning to his best friend, "Liam, what's he talking about?"

But the look on Liam's face only scared Mason more. "Liam...?"

As Amelie was about to approach Mason, Corey, the Chimera, appeared out of thin air and ran to Mason, putting his hand on his shoulder.

"Corey, wait!" Scott yelled, but they were gone before anything else could be done. They vanished into thin air. What would they do now?

author's note...!

hey guys!! hope you liked this chapter, just two more left before we dive into the pain and heartbreak that is 6a :)

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