xlix. the whole universe

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If you'd asked Amelie about her room in Eichen, that's the only thing she could think of, or even remember. It was grey— the ceiling, the cold tiles, even the window panes. Everything was grey. The bed next to her was empty, the grey linen sheets tightly pressed against the thin mattress.

A throbbing headache made her flinch as morning daylight entered the room. Her mother had admitted her the night before despite the fighting. The last thing she remembered was the needle as it drove into her neck and the darkness that filled her sight after.

And, now she awoke, she found herself dressed in a dark grey sweatshirt and sweatpants. Her mouth was dry. Her fingers were cold. Everything about her hurt, like a dull ache just swarming her whole entire body.

She rose to sit on the bed, hissing as her bare feet touched the cold tiles but slowly settling onto them. Just as she was about to stand up, the door swung open and a man, large and buff, entered her room. His round face settled on two chins instead of one and his eyes looked like they were about to pop out of their sockets. She found herself standing up, almost like she would defend herself if he got any closer. But, it only made him laugh.

"Come on," He grunted, dragging her by her forearm out of the room.

"Where are you taking me?" She found her voice, hoarse and cracked. She needed water. And food. She couldn't remember the last time she'd grown this hungry.

"Just shut up and keep walking."

"Just tell me!" She tried to pull her arm away from him, her fingers trembling— out of cold or fear she didn't know.

"I said walk," He sneered, pulling her harshly through the corridors and into a quiet room. A few chairs were placed there in the shape of a circle and some people had already occupied some. A lady with glasses and dark hair looked up from her notebook and turned to the heaving girl who entered the room.

"Ah, Amelie, about time you woke up," She spoke, a toothy smile on her lips.


"Thank you, Tommy," Doctor Mary, Amelie had learned was her name, told the lanky boy sitting next to Amelie. She hadn't heard a single word the boy had said. With one leg propped up on her chair, she rested her head on her knee, waiting for this therapy session to be over. "That was very brave of you."

Tommy whimpered, mumbling a quiet thanks as he scratched the nape of his neck anxiously. If Amelie were a werewolf, Tommy would've reeked of anxiety.

"Would anyone else like to take the floor?" The woman asked, looking at each and every person sitting around her until her eyes settled on Amelie. "Amelie?"

Invisible String. Stiles Stilinski (1)Where stories live. Discover now