Chapter Five

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Finally, Saturday came....

Erica already up before dawn, doing the preparation for the evening event. Decorated the tables to put the foods and drinks, also chairs. In the kitchen, she started making the panna cottas, macaroons, cheesecakes and truffles. She would have to make the sorbet soon. When the other came, they had to started chopping the vegetables for the burger and salad, also prepared the drinks.

The menu were chicken turkey mini burger with spice sauce, Caesar salad and some regular barbecue foods, with desserts: lemon panna cotta with blackberry sauce,strawberry and chocolate ice cream, mini vanilla cheesecake with orange marmalade, chocolate truffle, and lavender macaroons with raspberry-rose mascarpone. She hired bartenders to take care of the cocktails, wine, and champagne. She also had blueberry lemon iced tea and fruit punch placed in the living room for kids and anyone who couldn't handle alcohol or would drive.

Arnold would take care of the griller, though his brothers or friends could give his some hand when they arrived.

It was 5 in the morning when everyone started arriving and they went straight to work. Erica asked her two best friends, Jessica, of course and glassed blonde, Jordan Kinsley who was like a sister she never have since they had been in each other life from the moment they born to this world, they went to the same school from kinder garden to high school and college, though they took different major, Erica took Psychology and she took English Literature. She worked at the town library to take the liberty to read any book she wanted. She considered herself as a nerd since elementary school but never got bully because she had a sarcastic mouth and deathly glare. She was skinny, not that she didn't like food, she loved it but she would choose books over foods. A really intense horror novel would make her put aside even the most mouth watering chicken fried. She always hid her beautiful iced blue eyes behind those ugly glasses. Erica have tried to make her at least wear a more decent pair of glasses, but she didn't interested.

Erica also had asked five employees from her cafes for help. Angel, Amanda, Sophie, Bella and Maria. They were actually the managers for each of her cafes. She couldn't thank them enough for using their day off to help her out. But, they told her, the reason to closed the cafes was so they could help her out, so there is no need to thank them. They admired her and always looked up at her like a big sister.

"So, where is the husband of yours, Erica? I didn't remembered seeing him yesterday when we left." Jordan blurted out of nowhere. Automatically everyone popped out their ears to hear Erica's answer.

"Well, he had so much to handle since he have to stop functioning his company for today, he practically came home passed midnight. But he was an early riser, so you will meet him soon."

"Hmmm, he used to stop by the cafe to meet you. I hardly see him around you now day." Angel, the brown-haired spoke up. She was the only plus sized among them, but nobody minded it. She still worked out everyday, not to lose weight obviously, just to keep herself healthy. She felt comfortable with her body, so everyone supported her decision. Though, she still met some mean people randomly. But, she never let them got to her skin.

"I hardly at the cafe anyway. He was concentrating on his company right now, meeting him in the morning and night was enough for now." Thank God! I have practice to answered these questions, otherwise any moment of pause will make them suspicious.

"What an unselfish person you are, Boss! I will never able to do it. My boyfriend will have a hell to handle if he put his work above me." Bella, the shortest with pink hair said. Her boyfriend was actually a owner and director of computer system software company, so he was a very rich person, but Bella would punch him if he ever tried to win her favor with money, she would rather had him spent more time with her. He practically a part of the cafe which Bella handled, actually, since he spent more time there than his office. But, she would be very upset when his phone rang while they spoke. So she never went near him when his work mode was on. At least she could take a glimpse of him once a while. Erica never understood why they hadn't married yet, because they looked like one already. She asked Bella once, but she shrugged her off.

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