Chapter Twelve

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Author's Note!!!

Sorry for the long wait. My bosses were keeping their eyes on me, so I didn't have that much freedom to write at my work. Totally ruined my plan to speed up. Anyway, Chapter Twelve has done for now.


After he left, she looked at her reflection in the mirror. She saw her tear stained face and bloodshot eyes. She wiped the remaining tears with tissue and blew her nose. She thought about who said one could look pretty while crying, only animation illusion could achieved that. With swollen eyes and red nose, she looked like a mess, an ugly mess. So, she went inside the bathroom and wet her hand towel to wipe her face and compressed her eyes. After few minutes, she removed it and took a look at herself in the mirror. This should do, the make up could cover the remaining trace.

"I have no time for self pity! There are people waiting down stair, Mother and Father are coming too." She took a deep breath, "I should do what should be done. Erica Ferguston, you can do this!" she told herself, "Just ignore the pain and think of the smiles you are gonna put on everyone's faces."

She got out and took fast steps to the dressing table. With both hands, she reached for the necklace. She held her breath and put it on at once. She touched it with shaking hand. A tear escaped and she immediately wiped it away with her hand. She closed her eyes and took another deep breath. She put on her make up and once she felt she looked refreshed enough she left the comfort of the room and headed down stair. Along the way, she kept telling herself, Smile, smile!

When she was close to the living room where everyone were gathering, she saw her parents. "Mother, Father!" she called out to them with smile. While she made her way toward them, she was aware of the stares that fell upon her neck. She ignored them and hugged her parents. "How was the flight?"

"Great! We had a lot of fun!" Her mother replied with excitement.

"I really wish you could move in with us!" She said to them.

"Erica, you know our home are our dreamland, and we will never leave it. Everyone had a place where they belong. There is where we belong, but you belong here, with your dream and love here."

"But, I want to take care of you."

"We had discussed this many time, young lady! We are still capable of taking care of ourselves, and still will be at the near future. There is still years to come before you have to take us in. Beside, you should focus on making your own family right now. A child will complement your new family, don't you think so?" Her father said with teasing grin.

Erica blushed, and averted her gaze from her parents. Suddenly, a pair of hands was around her shoulder and she was pulled to a hard chest which belonged to her one and only husband.

"Hey, Mother, Father! How was the flight?" he asked casually, like he wasn't hugging Erica right now.

Elaine and Ethan laughed. Erica stayed silent and lowered her head with red cheeks. Mean while, Arnold was staring at them with confused expression.

"What? What's so funny? Did I say anything wrong?"

"No, nothing, It's just refreshing." Elaine giggled.

"Hah?" her respond only made him more confused.

Ethan stooped laughing, he coughed and cleared his throat. He flashed his big grin before said, "I think you two have heard this a lot. But, I am still gonna say it." he paused. The curiosity was killing Arnold, that he almost shouted to just hurry up and split it out, but he held himself back since this was his father in law. "Even though, your personalities are pretty much different, but both of you are so much alike."

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