Chapter Twenty

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Dedicated to mahgadahling

Thanks for proofreading this chapter.
You are a big help.


Cameron Biston

A forbidden name that he hadn't uttered for years. Her betrayal had changed him into a cold -hearted person. He was glad her name didn't cause any lingering warmth, but an ice cold heart instead. That meant he had finally moved on, and he had to thank Erica for that.

"What do you want to do with her?" Arthur asked calmly. Since Arnold said her name like that, that meant he didn't feel anything except full hatred toward that woman. She maybe had hurt him deeply, but he had finally let go of his heart knob.

"Where is she now?" Arnold sat back and turned his eyes to Erica.

"We had captured and confined her in one of the warehouses. Alex said it's up to you to hand her over to the police or take care of her using your own way."

"You know? I thought I would want to kill her immediately, but I don't feel like that at all. Just watch her for a while, let's talk again after Erica has woken up." he brought Erica hand to his face.

Arthur watched him with a smile in his face. Maybe this was a blessing in disguise, thought he never wished this to happen. His twin baby brother finally embraced life with an open mind. Now, they just need Erica to wake up. He didn't want to imagine what would happen if two days later she still hadn't opened her eyes. With Arnold's temperament, he was afraid that a heavy price would have to be paid.

Since Arnold had wanted to focus on Erica at the moment, he left the VIP room and headed home.


Three days went by and the day they were waiting for had come. From the morning every member of the Binders had been in Erica's hospital ward. But the reality disappointed them. Until long after passed dinner time, she still hadn't opened her eyes.

"Let's go home for today! Maybe I miscalculated." Alfred spoke up after they had been waiting until nine o'clock.

"Yes, you all should go home and rest. I will wait here and if she wake up at midnight I will inform you." Arnold tried to hide his disappointment and assured his family.

"I guess that's the only way. But, you better inform us immediately once she wakes up, young man! Or you will have a hell to pay for." Martha stood up and pointed at Arnold.

"Yes, Mum! I promise you!"

"Good!" she said and left with Andrew hand in hand. The other also followed suit. Arthur patted Arnold's shoulder on his way out.

Arnold settled back on the chair and held Erica's hand. It was hard to stay positive when the most important person in his life was in life and death situation. If only he could take her place, that bullet was for him after all. He looked at her with a sad expression, he would be lying if he said he wasn't hoping she would wake up today like the other, so he was actually very disappointed.

He suddenly felt a squeeze in his hand. His eyes shot to Erica and he saw her eyelids moved. He held his breath and finally let it out when she opened her eyes.

"Erica!" he called out to her softly. "What a timing you have! Everyone just left moment ago. I almost thought you enjoy been sleeping beauty and won't wake up for a long time." he added with a smile.

Erica tried to speak, but no voice came out.

"Here, have some water first! Your throat must be dried without water for three days." he put the straw in her mouth. He raised the headrest to make it easier for her to drink.

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