•Chapter- 8•

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(Want a fun activity?! Then do read the Author's note at last guys!!)

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(Want a fun activity?! Then do read the Author's note at last guys!!)

If someone told me that I would sit with a girl for three hours straight and half of the time just stay in comfortable silence with her and the next half non-stop talking to her, I would've glared at them for wasting my time with that bull shit.

But today.........today I did the exact same thing with Pari. I like her nickname better than her full name though. Paridhi I feel is too long and as cliche, as it sounds she really is an angel.

It felt so easy to have a conversation with her. It felt normal to sit and talk to her. For the first time, I felt like I can speak freely with no bounds and no pretense. And it is something every human being would want.....to be free and with no pretense in front of others.

She is just so cute! And so mature and so intelligent too. She is super creative, I mean super creative and I say this because I have no creative bone in my body. I can draw a proper circle even with a compass to save my life. My mother used to hold her head every time I drew a brain or a kidney diagram in school for notes as it always looked the exact opposite to them.

Listening to her, and hearing her speak about herself was just so amazing as I got to know a lot about her. When she called me a rowdy, I couldn't control my laughter, she looked so cool saying that with her eyes wide and her mouth open ajar.

I think I have lost count on how many times I called her cute and it's certified that she is cute with a capital C.

The way she tried to get my number, damn I had so much fun teasing her! I already know her number because I have access to student records being part of the cyber team plus the CR team and I have taken it from there. Being part of the student council too has its perks.

I have been meaning to text her for a few days or maybe talk to her but I couldn't do it and somehow I got the chance today when I saw her entering the library.

"Should I text her? Or not?" I asked myself and didn't want to ponder further so I just dropped a text to her.

'Hey munchkin, wassup?' I sent her and smiled looking at the nickname I gave her. She is so short and super cute that I felt like calling her that. And from her face when I called her that even she likes it.

Almost as soon as I texted her, I got a reply from her. Hmm......someone was waiting for my text then?

'Hieee Rowdy!' I laugh at her nickname and type out a reply.

'Were you waiting to text me or something?' I asked.

'Well, I would be lying if I said I wasn't She replied making me smile.

'So?' I sent as I didn't know how to proceed further. This is the first time I am texting a girl and I am kind of clueless. Writing exams and assignments were easier at this point.

'So?' She sent back with a smirking emoji on the side and I know she was somehow trying to tease me.

When I pondered on what to reply for a few seconds there was another text from her.

'If you are pondering on what to say, don't! Had dinner?' She asked and I scrunched my nose liking how she understood.

'Yepp, you?' I asked back.

'Yess! My favorite chicken fried rice!! And I also had my favorite cookie dough fudge!!! I made it today! It was just soo good! I'll get some for you tomorrow?' She asked and I smiled. One of the things I learned about her today was that she is a food lover like a hardcore food lover and apparently she is married to FOOD. Something I found extremely endearing.

'Sure, why not!?' I said and she sent a reply with smiley emojis. She is such an emoji person whereas I rarely text with emojis.

'Okay then......see you tomorrow!' she texted and though I didn't want to end the chat I relented.

'See you tomorrow I said and kept the phone aside looking outside the window sighing.

I don't know how our story is going to progress but I know that I can't wait to see her tomorrow.


The next day I couldn't get to meet her as early as I hoped I would. This morning, I was swamped with work and classes and I have exams coming up so it was kind of hectic. Afternoon though, I got free so me, Zain and Rohan were just roaming around chatting when we heard that there is some commotion going on in the canteen.

"Woah okay! Let's go to the canteen and check it out!" The social bee, Rohit said and I shook my head.

"Not interested. You go ahead" I said and he pouted making me roll my eyes. Not in the mood to go through his dramatics I just motioned towards the canteen and he squealed and Zain chuckled following him.

'The things I do for this fucker!' I thought and went behind them.

As soon as we entered the canteen a full-blown cool air and also loud music reached my ears.
In our canteen, some of the other students keeps playing music and everyone joined them either singing along or sometimes dancing. I guess it's either one of those this time.

"I guess either singing competition or dancing but looking at the crowd I think it's dancing what say?" I said looking at them both and they both laughed.

"Dancing" Zain agreed with me and Rohit thought about it.

"Singing? Cuz I am partial towards it and also I can hear voices! Let's find out" He said wiggling his eyebrows and we went forward.

As we started going near, the crowd itself parted for us, letting us in as soon as they realized it was us who are coming. Though I don't like to be smug about this kind of things, I sometimes am. The crowd though are completely captivated by what was happening making me wonder what was going on.

The moment we reached the front is when I understood why everyone is so captivated. Of course, they would be if my munchkin is the one performing this time.

I just chuckled as I looked ahead 'Oh boy! She is out for my heart' I thought looking at her.

Hello lovely people!!! This is just a filler chapter kind of thing and it's kind of short but don't worry next one will be longer! Hope you like the chapter!!! Lemme know your thoughts for sure!

Also! ATTENTION! One of our readers Anushkaaaaa2464asked me if I would be sharing my love story and I was like why not?! But I don't know if everyone would be interested to know it so I wanted to know if you would be. And if you are, then when and how would you like to read it!? Lemme know guys!!

 And if you are, then when and how would you like to read it!? Lemme know guys!!

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