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24 years old.

One week later, in Tokyo, Japan.

Iʻm exhausted and still I brush Harus hair with my hand as he lays in my lap. Dry tears on his face as I hum a song my mother used to sing to me. He's fast asleep, and I slide him off my lap, kissing the top of his head. I shut my eyes with an ache in my chest.

This is how most nights have been. My room is now right across from his because he cries out in his sleep sometimes.

Sometimes I'll sleep next to him, humming until he's fast asleep, then shutting my eyes and having nightmares of my own.

Guards follow me and him wherever we go, and when we sleep at night, they stand outside of our doors.

I haven't seen Isamu since the night Lyn died. He had come home, taking one look at the bloody floor, then turning to me, scrubbing it clean. The white rug in the trash The guard had been helping me, and I knew Isamu had sent him to watch over me. When Isamu hadn't said a word at the sight, he just walked up the stairs to his office. I'd thrown the rag down and put my face in my palms, crying the last of my tears.

Two guards stand outside of Haru's door. One being the guard who held me that night. I don't even know his name. I walk out of Haru's door and I go to mine. My hand on the door knob, I look sideways, down the hall, towards Isamus' office.

I hit my head against the door with a breath, and I could feel the guards straighten, alert. Instead of turning the knob, I turn towards Isamus' office and start making my way towards it. The green-eyed guard steps in front of me, and I try to step around him, but he blocks my way.

I narrow my eyes at him. He looked half Japanese and half something else. "What is your name?"

I speak the first word Ive said to him since that night. He straightens more at the sound of my voice. "Akasuki Tanaka, maʻam." he answers.

"Do you know who I am, Akasuki?" I gritted out the question with annoyance.

"Yes, maʻam" he says unyieldingly.

"So get out of my way." I say this with venom in my tone.

He seems hesitant, looking like hes struggling with whether to follow my order or his. "I'm sorry, maʻam. Mr. Yama told me to not let you," He grits out the next words like he doesn't want to say them, "bother him."

I let out a bitter laugh. I kneeled him in the stomach and he didnt seem to expect it as I quickly stormed into Isamus's office. He's sitting at his desk, hands in his hair, and when he hears the door open, he looks up. He doesn't seem surprised to see me.

Akasuki walks in after me, "Iʻm sorry, sir. She-" Isamu holds up his hand and the guy stops in midsentence.

"You can go," he said, not looking at him as we glared at each other. "This fight was a long time coming."

Akasuki gives me a side glance but leaves the room, shutting the door on his way out.

"Sometimes I wish I hadn't met you," I say as I stand in the middle of the room, my hands clenched at my sides.

He raises an eyebrow, amused. "I thought as much."

And when he says that, I feel myself snap, and suddenly Ive thrown a chair at him. It hits the wall behind him, and yet he seems as calm as ever. "You do realize you're a fucking joke, right?You act as if nothing fucking bothers you. You keep pretending but the mother of your child just fucking died. It could have been your son." I spit out the words, harshly. "You act like these past 6 years haven't been shit. You act like my brother's death doesn't hurt you. God, what would he think of you right now? Hed think you were a pathetic piece of shi-"

In a few seconds, he's in my face, the only warning sound being the banging of his desk chair onto the broken piece of the other one, and I can barely breathe.

There were tears. I thought I had used them all. streaming down my face.

"Don't fucking bring Haru into this." He says it in a deadly low voice.

I wipe the tears away, furiously, "What? You think I'm going to say something that's true? "

"Don't be angry at me because your life has gone to shit. You just want someone to blame." His words are harsh.

And I let out a sob while putting my hand over my mouth.

"I guess I'm the one who said something true." I guess it was true. I think I've envied him for so long. I thought I loved him once, but it's as if my hatred has burned it all away.

I start to hit his chest, crying. Over and over I punch him. And he stands still and allows it, and when I stop, I hug him, crying into his chest. He puts his arms around me and allows me to cry.

I pulled away and we were so close. Suddenly, his mouth is on mine and the kiss burns. I take his shirt off and his back hits his desk. We're kissing so frantically, like we know we'll regret this. He pushes the things off the desk and they fall to the floor with a loud noise. My shirt is off and I've unbuttoned his pants as we continue to kiss.

Our eyes closed and when I went to take off my pants, he kissed my neck. The tears on my face are still wet when he turns us around, lifting me onto the desk, in only my underwear and bra. My arms are around his neck and it seems like a big joke, the ways we fit into each other. We move rhythmically when hes inside me.

There's no love in the way we fuck.

Just pain and lust.

No sounds came out of me just my breath as he pushed in and out of me and we met our highs at the same time. And when he slows down and pulls away from me, I start to put on my clothes. He does the same, and we don't speak. And when I'm dressed, I don't turn to him, I just head to the door.

I hear him sit at his desk, and before I close the door, I look back at him. He sits at his desk, the way I found him, his head in his hand, but this time his office is a mess, along with his hair.

I slam the door shut, leaving whatever I felt for him behind.

When I head to my room, Akasuki's and my gaze clash with each other. I give him a look, daring him to judge me but there is no expression on his face and I look away.

When I'm in my room, I slide to the floor, my arms around my knees.

And I feel alone again. 

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