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24 years old,

3 hours later, in Tokyo, Japan.

We lay in the bed for hours, talking to each other. I've come to learn that his favorite color is white or red and he likes reading and learning new languages. He told me stories about his family and by the way he talks about them it seemed like they used to be close. I found out that they had passed away a while back. I told him about the thing I like to do. About my twin brother and about how he used to sing Britney Spears at the top of his lungs.

Part of me thought he would kick me out after we had sex but I'm glad he didn't.

I trace a pattern over his jasmine tattoo as we lay facing each other. The covers over our naked bodies. It had been peacefully quiet for a few minutes. A comforting type of silence as he watched me trace patterns on his tattoo.

"Who's Levi?" I ask, remembering the way Toru mentioned him earlier.

Akasuki reaches over, tucking my hair behind my ears then grazing his fingers over my face. The moonlight shined through the window onto the bed as he said, "my brother."

By the tone of his voice I could tell, "what happened to him?" I ask, still tracing patterns.

I look up and notice he's still staring at me even when he pulls his hand away from my face. "Levi loved too hard."

"And that's a bad thing?" I whisper, stopping my tracing on his forearm.

He interlaces our hands and whispers, "It's the best and worst thing." I squeeze his hand tightly, and we stare at each other for a few minutes until he continues, "He passed away a few years ago. Shot because he couldn't let go of someone who wouldn't love him back. I wish he had listened to me."

I blink. Oh. I shift closer to him and he moves so we can be in each other's arms. I hear his heart beating as I whisper, "time and time again, the people we love die and still, even when we warn them, they walk into death's arms as if it were a warm embrace."

We fall asleep like that, hugging each other, not wanting to let go.

It's 8 am when I open my eyes. Our legs are tangled together and he's sleeping peacfully. I blink sleepyly, the sun shining through the curtains. I reach my hand up, fingers touching the softness of his hair.

I go to get out of bed but his hand reaches for me, pulling me back to him, "Stay." He says, his eyes open now. I had realized yesterday that his eyes were a hazel more on the green side.

I smile rolling over so I'm facing him and he brushes my hair away from my face, I close my eyes, smiling.

I love it when he does that.

"I don't think I can." I say.

His face is content when he says, "Just for a little longer."

I can't help myself, "Okay."

We're quiet and content as he holds me, "If you could name a baby what would the name be?"

He's tracing patterns on my back, "I'm not sure."

I pull away from him, looking into his eyes, "Come on, there has to be some name in that head of yours." I say, tugging on his hair.

He smiles, kissing my cheek, "Yaz."

"Yes?" I ask.

"Yaz," He says, his smile growing, "I'd name the baby Yaz."

I shake my head, smiling against myself, "you can't name the baby Yaz!"

He fakes a frown, "Why not?"

I hit his chest, "Because that's my name!"

He tilts his head, rubbing his chest, "And you can't share it?" I give him a look and he sighs, "I'm sure all the names are in your head." He says running his other hand through my hair.

I look at the clock, 8:30 am, I sigh, "I really have to go. I have a meeting at 9." I say, rolling out of bed. He groans, reaching out for me.

I grab his wrist, placing a gentle kiss on his jasmine tattoo, and he says, "I'll see you later?"

I nod, smiling to myself and getting dressed.

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