Chapter 4

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                                                                                                  Omg— What did you do—

-Second person POV

Yaeko took the boys to her apartment as June and Dom had left. It was fancy. The boys didn't expect it. „Whoa, what do your parents do?" The girl swallowed before she answered coldly. „I don't have parents. I live alone. My aunt pays for it."

Minu, wh0 had asked, shuddered and quietly apologized. She dimmed the lights since it was late and her eyes were tired. After locking the door she told the boys to just put their bags in a corner.

„Two can sleep in the guest room. The bathroom is right next to the guest room down that small hall. One of you has to sleep on the couch. You can shower and get changed I'll do the same. Afterwards I'll cook. Do whatever you like, as long as you don't break anything or get it dirty." The boys obediently nodded.

The girl took a shower and looked at her slim figure in the mirror. She had gotten a bit too skinny in the past time. Whenever she started something she forgot too eat. After putting on underwear she looked at herself again. Her thighs had gotten slimmer. Her ribs started showing. Sighing, she put on a pair of comfy shorts and a oversized t shirt.

She heard noises from her living room. Vinny and Minu were discussing over who's getting in the shower next. Jay walked out of the guest room while putting on his worn shirt.

„You run away without clothes?" The pale girl asked. Jays head shot in her direction. „I have clothes. I just couldn't wash them..." Yaeko deadpanned. „Give it to me. I'll wash it." She stated. „All of you. I can give you some oversized stuff." They looked at her. „You're too nice Yaeko!" Minu whined.

Ko fetched some clothes and gave them to Jay, Minu and Vinny. She looked Vinny up and down. She got the biggest clothes she could find. „I hope this fits..." she stated, more to herself.

After the guys changed and Vinny now had a slim fit shirt, she threw their clothes in the wash. „I'll cook now. Watch Netflix or play games or whatever."

She put on some music for herself as she did her thing in the kitchen. After a while the guys came up the small stairs as they smelled the food. But the girl didn't notice and just vibed along to her music. As she was about to place four plates on the table she jumped, nearly dropping the black plates.

„Gosh, don't scare me like that." She scolded the guys silently. „Is the food ready?" Minu asked sheepishly. „Yea take a seat guys."

After they had eaten the guys praised her by telling her how good her food was. She shrugged it off. Suddenly Minu jumped. „Argh!". Everyone looked at him as stood next to his chair. Everyone looked at him as they suddenly heard a purr. Ko chuckled. „Thats Yuji. Don't piss yourself man."

Minu sweatdropped. Jay got up and bend down to pet the cat. Vinny laughed at Minu while Ko disappeared in her painting area. Two terrariums were to be seen. She picked up Gojo, her white little snake.

She innocently walked back into the big living area. Minu was justifying himself infront of the others. Jay was sitting on the ground, cuddling yuji by now. Ko appeared behind Minu and held the snake in his face. He screamed like he was about to die. Ko laughed as she saw his face as he was crawling away on the ground.

Gojo was twirling around Ko's arm by now. The other two boys looked at her, stunned. „You have a snake?!" Vinny asked shocked. „Two, but their not mine. They belong to my boss' friend. I just take care of them for a while."

Minu had gotten back to his feet and stepped closer carefully. „What are they're names?" He asked. „The owner gave them weird names, so i named this one gojo and the other one geto. Did you watch or read Jujutsu kaisen?" The slim girl asked them. They all shook their heads.

Whatever. She thought. „You said boss. Where do you work?" Vinny then went on to question her. „I work as a tattoo artist." She admitted. „Isn't your aunt rich? Why do you work?" The foreign girl shot him a glare through her foxy eyes. „Not everyone who is rich also behaves like a spoiled kid and sits on their ass the whole time." The venom in her voice made him flinch.

Money is a big deal for her... all three boys thought the same. „Ha ha... right..." Minu was visibly uncomfortable. „Are you working on a certain project right now?" It was Jay this time who asked a question. The girl nodded. „I'm painting a bike and I'm participating in an art competition." „A bike?" Vinny sounded very skeptical. She nodded.

„I wanna see!" The enthusiastic boy with the reddish brown hair shouted. Ko made her way to her art project. She could put Gojo back while she was at it. As she picked up the bike she was careful since there was a party where the paint hadn't dried yet. She had to carry it down three steps and showed it to the boys as she leaned it against a small wall.

Their eyes widened. The bike was black. Purple wave patterns were painted all over the frame and you could see cloud sketches on the front wheel and a dragon sketch on the back wheel. „Thats hella cool." Minu exclaimed. He got closer to take a better look.

Jay and Vinny Followed after him. Minu reached for the bike and Ko wanted to stop him „Minu don't, the paint-„ but it was too late. He touched the not completely dried frame and the paint smeared in all the wrong directions. He gasped and quickly pulled his fingers back. The boy looked up and saw the deadliest glare he had ever seen.

„I- I'm sorry Yaeko!" Luckily it wasn't completely ruined, but she would have to do that certain part again. „Are you fucking serious, Yoon?" There was that venom in her voice again. Vinny and Jay took a step back. „L-Look Yaeko! I- I didn't mean to-„

„What ever. Wash your hands. Don't go near my art ever again." She coldly stated as she grabbed the bike and disappeared. The trio could hear her unpacking something. Probably paint. Vinny and Jo quietly scolded Minu and gave him the silent treatment afterwards.

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