Chapter 14

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                                                                                          Nahh lets not— Okay nevermind lets go

-Second person POV

Jay and Ko silently entered the school building side by side. Some first and second years cleared the way for their attractive elders. Jay didn't wear his glasses and walked chill while Yaeko had a straight shoulders while walking but she didnt seem stuffy. Her steps were rather graceful.

As they entered their classroom at 8.05 AM Shelly was nervously wandering around. The blonde girl noticed their arrival and stoped. „Jay! Why didnt you answer any of my text?!" She yelled. Ko decided this was her moment to leave but the angered girl interfered her plan.

„You think you can have him all to yourself because you let him stay at your shitty place?" The half Russian girl didn't flinch. Not a single sign of emotion on her face. Can't she be quiet once? „I can't remember having said that or even having anything to do with your current problem... Wait, which of the 100 unexplainable problems you have with me are we talking about again?" Yaeko casually stated as if she was talking about the weather.

The room fell dead-silent. Out of the corner of her eye, Ko could see Dom swallow hard. Shelly gave a tch. „Fuck off, Russian whore. Letting three boys stay at your home. Seriously how desperate can you be?" Jay glared at Shelly, anger boiling inside him.

„You're one to talk about desperate. I'm here a week and there wasn't one second where you didn't try to suck Jays dick like a starved succubus." Shelly clenched her fists. „I swear I'm going to rip that monotonous expression of your face." The blonde hissed.

Her hand flew towards Yaeko's face. Ko just dodged it. Please, my father thought me enough in Russia. Yaeko couldn't do much fighting, but to beat Shelly? You bet it would be enough.

But she didn't intend to start a cat fight here. „Oh fuck yourself Russian whore." „Gladly, Shelly the Succubus."

Without taking another glance at Shelly's pretty face, Yaeko took her seat. Jay was still angered but also surprised by Yaeko firing back like she just did. Dom was stunned.

Shelly bit her lip. The girl didn't understand why, but as she stared after the girl with her long silverish white hair, she couldn't tell if she was actually mad at her or if it was something else.All this time she had been mean to Yaeko. Never giving her a chance to begin with.

Her light blue eyes caught a glimpse of Jay who had pushed past her. Am I... jealous? Nahh... Shelly pushed thought away. She was way prettier than Yaeko. Right?

She had to be.

Yaeko, as predicted, spend most of the time till now scribbling ideas for Wooin. In the break Mia approached Yaeko... Even tho Mia wasn't fond of her presence since Jay showed much more interest in Ko than in her. But this wasn't about Jay.

„Uhh... Yaeko." The slim girl looked up. It was enough to make Mia question if this was a good idea, but she felt a bit guilty about Shelly being mean. The blonde girl had told her that she might have overreacted and that infact, the new girl had done nothing to earn the hate she got from the both of them.

The girl with the short black hair also reminded herself that Yuna did like the girl. And this was about Yuna. „So... I don't know if you realized, but Yuna sort of has a crush on Dom." Mia could see the girl freeze.

Yaeko recalled all the interactions between the two mentioned teenagers. It was mostly Dom being dumb and Yuna scolding him loudly. She just shrugged as reply.

Mia fumbled with her fingers. „Well, Dom, as you might know, works as a DJ. Thats why he has that stupid mustache." The slim girl nodded. „And Yuna usually never does illegal stuff. But she wants to see him do music. She claims its because she doesn't trust that he's actually ‚just' doing his DJ Job, but I think I don't have to explain the more likely reason to you." another nod.

„So we want to sneak into the club this week and Yuna requested asking you to join us. Would you do that? Shelly is coming, but she knows she was wrong before... She would never admit it to you tho..."

Yaeko seemed to consider for a second. „Well... I don't really want to go... but if  Yuna wants me to..." she whispered. „So you're coming?" Yaeko really didnt want to go. There were going to be so many people. And she would have to dress up to get in. But Yuna was a nice person. Loud but nice. Caring infact. And maybe Shelly would realize she wasn't as evil as she seemed to think so she might have some more peace after this. A big gain.

Ko sighed heavily, but nodded. „Is that really a good idea tho?" Suddenly Yuna appeared. „You in?" The ,more handsome than pretty, girl asked. „I think... but is that really going to work out?" Shelly interfered after that question. „We just have to dress a little slutty. They will let us in."

Yaeko felt her motivation for the planned activity slip even more. „Okay... when and where?"

„Friday evening, 8.30 PM." Mia quickly stated like she was scared Ko would change her mind again and turned to leave. Shelly shot Ko a last  undefinable look and left with Yuna and Mia.

What a ridiculous idea... is this what all the girls do? Ko didn't bother any further and got back to her design. Wait... where's that stupid club anywa? She was just going to ask Yuna later...

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