Chapter 11

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                                                                                                             Let's celebrate... me

-Second person POV

Jay and Ko entered the apartment without loosing a word. „Ko..." Jay lowly said. The girl turned to him. „Who was that?" He asked in a monotonous tone. „Wooin and Joker. They were at the studio yesterday and today." She coldly stated. „Why were they calling you those nicknames?" He questioned.

„I don't know. They randomly started doing it." She said, not satisfying Jay but what was he supposed to do, right? Yaeko then turned to the kitchen and lit the lights. Quickly dimming them. „Ill make us some food..."

30 silent minutes later she called for Jay. „Foods ready." He got up from his books and sat down at the already set table.

„It's really good." Jay praised her work. „Thanks..."

The remaining time they spend eating was silent. As they put everything into the dishwasher, Yaeko said she would take a shower since she had sweated a lot. Jay nodded in agreement. He would probably do the same while she was in the shower.

Ko went to her bathroom and got undressed. Hopping in the hot shower was what she had needed the most. Enjoying the sound of the water and the feeling on her skin, she took her sweet time.

As she got out she put on some cute panties and a matching bra. Usually she would just sleep without one, but she had a guest. Only in her underwear as usually she did her skin care.

She was done as she was looking for her tshirt. she must've forgotten it. She was about to quickly get out and get it there was a knock on the door. „Yes?"

Jay talked through the door. „I think your aunt is calling you..." „Oh... just ignore it." She said. In only this she couldn't go answer the call. „She is rather persistent... I think it's important..." Ko panicked a little. Thats actually very plausible. She usually doesn't call, especially not at this hour. Fuck fuck fuck.

„Ahh yes... could you grab my phone for me real quick?" The girl nervously asked. „Uhh, you good? Can I come in?" „No! No you can't." She hastily stated. The door handle was pressed down. „I said not to-„ But it was to late. Jay opened the door with a worried look. If you could consider it a ‚look'.

His eyes widened at the nearly naked girl. „U-Uh sorry!" He hastily apologized. „Can you grab a tshirt for me..." The slim girl asked, clearly embarrassed. The blushing boy nodded.

He quickly grabbed the first over-sized tshirt he could find. He didn't dare to look as he handed it to the girl. „Thanks..." she sheepishly thanked him as she quickly put the shirt on.

They went down together and sat down on the big couch. Silently the girl put on some random Netflix series. The boy wasn't reading or studying For once. It was quite for two reasons. Their energy was drained and the weird situation from before.

Ko called her aunt back, who told her something that actually wasn't important... her aunt was just drunk.

Yaeko decided to break the silence first. „You drink?" She asked him. He looked at her a bit stunned. „What?" The girl Gave him a look. He swallowed. „Never have." „Same, wanna try? We did good today didn't we?"

He thought for a moment. „How come you have alcohol?" „Celebration purposes like this." „Is it really that big of a deal?" He asked now. „Well, I'm back at competitions so for me it is." The girl shrugged and got up.

She vanished in the kitchen. Returning with two bottles and two glasses. „Wine or champagne, mister Jo?" She asked in a -considering its HER- playful tone. He actually seemed to grin. „Give your recommendation." The boy stated, hopping on onto the joke.

The pretty girl acted like she was thinking for a second. „I would recommend the wine. But if you're not a regular drinker, the champagne goes down better." She professionally explained. The boy chuckled. „Then I suppose its the champagne."

Chuckling, the girl filled their glasses. „On you then, I suppose." Jay said. He was monotonous again but she could tell there was a bit more behind it. She nodded and their glasses clirred.

Some time later the two were drunk on champagne and some wine. Since they had never drank before, it didn't take long. A few chuckles escaped them while they had a pointless conversation. Ko tried to get up from the couch as Jay laughed at her. She nearly fell.

„Oh come on. Hick you're not... any better!" Giggling she watched as he tried to get up as well. He stumbled towards her as she laughed at him and she somehow dodged him. He landed, half on the ground, half on the couch. Laughing at himself. Ko laughed hard which caused her to fall herself.

They sat for a while. Laughing. Ko had to whipe a few tears. „Okay! Hick lets get up!" She announced and they burst out laughing again. They stumbled around and Yuji meowed at them, disappointment and judgement clearly to be recognized. They giggled at the cat and went in the direction of Kos room.

„Wait! The hick... TV!" she exclaimed and grabbed the remote. Turning of the TV, she turned to Jay. „I need to pee." She suddenly stated. Jay giggled. „Ill accompany you to the door!" „What a gentlemen." They stumbled to the stairs.

Taking their time climbing up the stairs, they had to stop a few times. As they finally reached the bathroom, Ko opened the door. She stumbled to the toilet.

„I'll wait... hick... right.. here!" Jay proudly stated and leaned onto the doorframe. Chuckling the girl did her thing. As she flushed the toilet, Jay was already sitting on the ground. She giggled.

Reaching out her hand she wanted to help him up. It didn't work. He pulled her into his lap. She was laughing till she sat there. Realizing what was happening. Her eyes widened. Jays Smokey eyes suddenly turning a little more sober as well. „Jay..." she whispered. He on the other hand just swallowed.

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