Chapter 2

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Eleanora's pov

I didn't think we'd all be gathered here crying but here we are.

George is happily crying as he's leaning against the wall and Melissa is here holding his hand as Lillian is providing comfort as she stands near them both as we're in the waiting room.

Double doors were slammed opened with-


"Carter, what the hell?!" Melissa was in shock with her daughter running around the hospital in a patient gown screaming her head off.

"They have a giant razor blade thing whirring and they were gonna place it on my cast!" She was freaking out.


"I'm so sorry, she bolted out before we could catch her," the doctor was gasping for air by the time he finished that sentence.

"Where- oh my god, I'm sorry for the commotion. We were sure to tell her that nothing will happen to her hand but the moment she saw the blade, she took off," she was also out of breath.

"How did she even manage to out run the staff and you're two stories up from the waiting room?" George was wiping his tears at the sudden confusion.

"Well sir, according to security, she took the stairs and ran down here by foot," he was still heaving over his knees.

"You could've taken the elevator," George was shaking his head looking up at the ceiling praying.

"They we're gonna catch me by the time I get down! I'm trying to survive!" She was on edge.

"Sweetie, it's not going to hurt," the nurse reached out and Carter ran around Melissa and started hiding behind me-

"THE LIES," She was literally clinging onto my dress as she nuzzled her head full of curls into my shoulders.

She has her charm and this is definitely adorable..

"My love, they're only trying to do their job," I softly reasoned with her as she continues to cling onto me.

"I have a job too; keeping my hand in tact- you should've seen it!" She was terrified.

"You can't play piano with me as your conductor if you don't do this. I know you want to play for me right? For me?" I lifted her chin and it was clear she was scared the day lights out of with her lip quivering.

She's probably never been in a cast before, it's only part of the procedure.

"Y-yeah I wanna olay for you..." she looked unsure about how she was going to accomplish that.

"The headmaster said I can olay with the cast on right?" She was digging for whatever reason she can to get the best of both worlds.

"Carter, my love, I want all of you. Not just part of you for the concert- all," I lowered my chin to make sure she understands how serious I am.

"Isn't this a lovely reunion?" An old woman approaches us with a cane and shades on as she's dressed in a black gown and black flats with a young blonde girl aiding her.

"I- Johannes?" George was beyond speechless.

"Esmeralda?!" Melissa was eyeing the woman up and down.

"Name another miserable senior citizen that cares about your kid- Cammery!" She yelled in her fragile voice.

Carter instantly froze as she was no longer shaking..

"Yes ma'am?" She was still timid.

"You get your butt back in there and get the damn cast removed. We have work to do," she was tapping her cane repeatedly.

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