Chapter 12

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Eleanora's pov

Today couldn't have possibly gone better.

It's been about two or three minutes since Carter went into the bathroom.

Not to be a pervert right now, but she can squirt. I don't think she's that comfortable yet to do it in front of me. Not yet- of course.
Considering the number of things we have done, I'm not doubting nor counting this out.

She will, eventually.

I can't believe I was her first- all in good speaking but good she is with her hands and her mouth.

I shouldn't be surprised considering her intonation and music abilities but I can't help how close she paid attention to every interaction and highlighted everything.

Slamming and bunch of ruckus was going on upstairs as i prepared her plate.

I smiled to myself knowing she practically released all that she was holding in just now and the toilet flushes shortly after.

Quiet and timid feet shuffled into the dining room and Carter was drying her hands... adorable and stunning as ever. She had on her white crew socks as her hands were sealed by the oversized sleeves of her button up top. Hair still neat as ever.

She's so cute.

"How do you feel now?" I raised a brow at her
Knowing she probably feels weightless.

"Hungry," she scratched the back of her head.

She's dodging.

I smiled knowingly as I grabbed plates.

I rarely date and only had very few serious relationships. I've been pickier over who I invest into and it's always after a milestone like this, I've been on alert.. I must say, this feels different to me; I feel like I'm back at square one when we met for the first time and today was just flashing images of a fantasy only I perversely came up with in my mind. However, I don't feel like I'm back at square one either; I can't bring myself to the proper justification but if I were to put it into simpler terms...

It's like falling in love a second time with the person you fell in love with the first; at first, you were blindly swooned by their persona and now after seeing them- at their worst, their best, all aspects. Trying to take it all in and you realize still feel the same as you look at the face you once was a stranger to, you have a refined image of them for who they truly are therefore...

you come to realization you've fallen in love with someone for who they actually are instead of what they could be and what they were initially perceived as a good significant other. You're not caught up in the idea of them anymore, you're caught up in them altogether...

It's like falling in love a second time.

"Eleanora?" Carter caught my eye. She was propped at the kitchen counter in a stool watching me and I found myself frozen midway of fixing Carter the Chicken Piccata I finally let cool down.

"Hm?" I brushed my thoughts away and started fixing Carter her plate and poured her some water.

"I- um... was there something on your m-

"Shhhh, just know that you were on my mind. Don't let that get cold or else the lemon and wine won't settle," I walked around and cupped her face to kiss her cheek.

"...okay..." she softly mumbled.

I feel all sorts of butterflies right now- I think she senses there's some odd tension between us but nothing bad happened.

Nothing bad at all.

I only came to realization of how-

I can't recall a time where I verbally expressed my thoughts to Carter. She can be excused from that, her actions make up for it. She's been so devoted on giving me her best, never once did she try, she simply executed her best.

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