Chapter 32

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Carter's pov

I don't want my parents back stage with me, nor Jolene.

They don't know about what me and Johannes have been up to. Jolene doesn't agree with the tactics.

"Which wrist was it again?" Johannes was sitting next to me in one of the chairs.

"It doesn't matter, they both are sore," I sighed and she laughed.

"Hold your arms out," she went into her bag to pull out a small tub of something.

"This is balm infused with clove and a little bit of menthol. You'll feel a different kind of burn. Hold still because I can't let your fingers get greasy right now and knowing you, you might have sweaty palms," she grumbled and I frowned.

"I've never had sweaty palms," I rolled my eyes as her fragile but strong hands rubbed my forearms.

Whatever this is, it works fast.

"Cammery, get ready to go on in 30," the backstage manager instructed and I nodded.


"Go take the last of the pills, you ate something, yes?" Johannes checked me and I sighed agreeingly.

"I thought I was doing this sober?" I looked at her questionably.

We shared a gaze but I shrugged it off and remained seated. I'm not getting up to do something we didn't agree on.

"The hell is bothering you?" She snapped.

"What if I can do this sober?" I contemplated and she jabbed her cane into my toe through my heels.

"Ow!" I yelped.

"Carter this is more than just your mental and emotional state, Damnit I wouldn't be going through all of these measures to make sure you are at your best!" She scolded me.

"Okay but if I'm confident that I don't-

"Are you? Are you so confident that your muscles won't get so strained to the point you might tear muscle tissue causing another injury preventing you to play your instrument? I'm doing everything I can to make sure your ass doesn't fumble this mentally, emotionally and physically," she continues to snap.

I know but Eleanora....

I can't mention her or else Johannes is really gonna be pissed. Rightfully so, the progress we made was just by the two of us; a third party who hasn't done anything to support shouldn't have a say nor influence.

"I'm already playing something that's absurd to the classical community," I was still groaning in pain.

"You still would've done something absurd if you hadn't taken on this task. Since when have you ever followed the rules? You have a track record of rebelling against guidelines and still winning or have you forgotten the kind of musician you are? Have you spent so much time being a house cat that you forgot your true nature?" She challenged me.

I don't know why she's challenging me, I know how to piss her off.

"Rebelling in the most graceful way is my track record isn't it," i sassed and she was so pissed, she couldn't even speak a full word, it was all gibberish.

"You're your best musician when you're happy. You're not happy because you break the rules at every competition, you're happy just being able to play piano however you feel fit," she sighed in irritation.

I was at a loss of words with what she had said...

"I could decide not to take the pills to challenge your thoughts on my little rebellions," I sighed.

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