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' No...you can't be... please don't..No'

Jungkook jolted awake when he heard Jimin's cries..he looked at the bed the boy was lying only to see him thrashing his hands in air as if he was trying to push someone away

' Hyung' Jungkook was immediately by his side as he tried to calm him down as he made the boy sit

' Jackson hyung' He called out loudly..' Hyung..look at me... it's your Kook'

Jungkook tried to make the crying omega look at him but nothing happened

' Jimin?' Yoongi came running in

' You are still weak' Jungkook glared at Yoongi who ignored him completely

' Go call Jackson and come...goo' Yoongi said taking a seat on the bed beside Jimin

Jungkook nodded as he rushed out leaving them alone

Two days have passed after that dreadful day... they had conducted Jinhyuk's funeral.... Taehyung didn't cry much as Jin kept on reminding him of how he can talk to his appaa whenever he wants... Jin was healed..thanks to Taehyung's powers and is now ok... Yoongi was in pain for a whole day..he felt like someone was stabbing him with many daggers together in all parts of his body...he didn't even had the energy to open his eyes... Inna and Seunghun felt their heart break listening to Yoongi's painful screams that filled his infirmary room... Jisung and JiEun came as soon as they heard what happened and helped Daewoong to deal with the lose of lives and livelihood in Eleanor.. while Bogum had gone back to Verandus to visit the oldest werewolf who gave them a medicinal preparation to reduce Yoongi's pain. The preparation was useful as Yoongi recovered not completely but still the pain was bearable... But all this while they were too worried for Jimin who hadn't gained his consciousness.. He was still in the infirmary and they were taking turns to look after Jimin

Today it was Jin's turn to be with Yoongi and Jungkook with Jimin...and you guessed it right.. Taehyung had tagged along with Jin and Jungkook because he was afraid of being alone without these two

Jungkook was dozing off when he heard Jimin screaming...

' Jiminie look at me...' Yoongi cupped the younger's face...he leaned forward joining their foreheads 'Yoongi hyung is here....you are safe Jimin ah....hyung is here'

The omega stilled when he heard Yoongi's name...he relaxed in Yoongi's hold..still shaking...

' Hyung' Jimin whispered

' You are safe' Yoongi said again..but it felt like he was making himself understand that Jimin is infact really safe

Jin was witnessing all this with Taehyung.. standing near the door side....he felt his heart warming seeing these two not knowing about how fate is going to play with them

' Hyungie' Taehyung ran towards his hyung engulfing him in his embrace... ' I missed you'

Jimin cooed at the younger as he booped their noses.

' Am glad you are safe Chim' Jin said with a warm smile as he stole a glance at Yoongi whose eyes were fixed on Jimin

' Prince...how are you feeling' Jinyoung came in with Jungkook who had a wide grin now. ' You must be tired..but the rest is all fine.. You all can go back to the palace by evening...just take the medicine on time. Till then you can take rest'

' Am fine...?' He frowned....

' What happened hyung' Jungkook asked when he saw Jimin's eyes getting wet

Jimin slowly raised his hand... his trembling fingers hovering over the mate mark.... ' No' He mumbled as he clasped his hands over his mouth

Before anyone could even open their mouth Yoongi stood up ' I marked you.... Am your m-mate'

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