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THE CAB ride was no better the second time around. Andorra tried her best not to scream, especially since Aihfie was there, but her stomach was certainly feeling just as queasy as it had the first time around.

The city center was bustling with people, but this time, Andorra was feeling a whole lot of fear, and not a lot of excitement. Last time she had been there, a man tried to kill her. A shopkeeper tried to trick her. And Noah had been there, with his cold eyes and his cold voice.

She tried to shake it off, but the insidious nature of their last visit put a damper on the entire second trip. She felt moments away from an oncoming panic attack, but she forced herself to clear her head. This was her kingdom, and she couldn't be afraid. She wouldn't be afraid.

Especially not with Aihfie watching her so closely.

Coralia linked her arm with Andorra's, grinning. "Okay, here is the game plan. Let's hit up a few clothing stores, and then let's get lunch. I'm thinking of a cute little number I can wear to the Fates Ball."

Andorra's eyes widened a bit. She turned towards Coralia. "Fates Ball?"

Coralia smacked her forehead. "Oh! How could I forget? I can't believe we haven't even talked about the Fates Ball. It's like... hmmm. I don't know a lot of human customs. But it's a big dance with lots of food. It can be boring, but it's a chance to dress up! We're always in those stuffy uniforms."

It was the dance all over again. Andorra felt her stomach pitch as she remembered Kyle and his plot to kidnap her. She remembered the way Noah told her not to trust him. The way she danced with Kyle all night long, thinking it was the best night of her life.

Coralia didn't need to know about the horrors of that night. About how she lived in that dress for days until Noah found her. About how Kyle was going to force her to bring him over to Anlithamy. About how her own aunt had drugged her.

Coralia didn't notice the shift in Andorra's behavior. She kept prattling on. "Most of the girls look absolutely radiant in their gowns, but you'd be surprised how the guys clean up too. They actually look good for once."

"And that is where I take my leave. Come on, Bort. We don't need Coralia trashing us while she shops for boring dresses." Hans turned towards the row of other shops, eyeing them with an eagerness of a boy in a toy store. "Let's go to the comic store."

Bort shot Coralia a smile as she whacked Hans on the arm. "I am not trashing you."

As Coralia steered Andorra towards a boutique, she made eye contact with Aihfie, who was following them in. Catching the Princess's glance, she sneered. "What? I need a dress too."

The door to the boutique chimed overhead. The inside was stuffed with dresses of all kinds, and the shop smelled of sweet flowers. Soft music swelled from the speakers as Coralia moved down a few aisles, stopping in front of the ball gowns.

Immediately, Andorra was intimidated by the gowns. They were large, and they were long. Like when she had shopped for that dress in the human realm, she immediately felt overwhelmed. Out of her element. But this... she wanted this. She'd gotten a taste of wearing a beautiful dress, with beautiful makeup, and she liked it. She liked feeling normal.

Coralia was already shifting through dresses, pulling some out of the throng to hold up to herself. Before Andorra could join, a shorter woman appeared in front of them. "Can I offer to help hang anything in the fitting rooms for you?" Her eyes landed on Coralia before flitting towards Andorra. When they did, the atmosphere shifted, and the woman knelt before Andorra.

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