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IT FELT statistically impossible that Andorra could be kidnapped twice. Did this happen to other people, or was she just a special case for this type of event?

When it happens twice, it's easy to compare the experiences. First and foremost, there was no big betrayal this time. As Andorra sat, her knees pulled to her chest, she felt empty. Afraid, yes. Annoyed, definitely. But there wasn't this big heartbreak, or tears streaming down her cheeks. And this time, she already knew she was a faerie.

By all accounts, this kidnapping was just a pain in her behind. And the chain around her ankle, nullifying her powers, was completely obnoxious.

And how was she going to travel to the northern mountains now that she was kidnapped and Callum was turned to stone?

Which made her groan into the empty room. Callum was stone. And she wasn't sure he would ever recover, which made her all the more worried and nauseous. If she had just shut up, would Callum still be alive and breathing? Would she be at Hornwell instead of trapped in a random cell?

So much for sticking up for herself.

"Hornwell will be wondering where I am if I miss classes!" She shouted to no one. "Someone will report me missing!"

She hoped it was Coralia. Maybe she would get her mom involved. And Win was bound to realize that Callum didn't return to Hornwell. Someone would put two and two together.

"If you think for one minute that I won't be choosing a different Royal Counsel, then you're wrong!" Still, silence echoed back. "As soon as I can, you'll all be out! You hear me? Out!"

No one was listening, obviously. Andorra yanked against the chain, feeling the cold metal bite into her ankle. No matter how hard she pulled, it was useless. She was useless.

"There's no use in yelling, Princess." Footsteps came out from nowhere, loud on the ground, shocking Andorra into looking up. And there, walking towards her, was Roseria. Relief bloomed inside of Andorra's chest at the sight of the pink haired girl.

"Roseria, thank goodness you're here. They've trapped me down here. Can you believe it?" Andorra let her legs flop down, and she smiled up at the girl. "And this chain is totally cramping my style."

Roseria was quiet for a moment, her head tilted. "What happened?"

"I don't even know. Callum and I were training with Vulara, and suddenly they showed up, turned Callum into stone, and trapped me down here! They said I had no reason to be visiting Vulara!"

Roseria produced a ring of keys, and she slipped the key into the lock of the cell. "Vulara is a dangerous creature."

"I don't think that's true," Andorra protested. "Yes, he can be grumpy. And yes, he is a little scary, but he's not malicious. He never once attempted to hurt me."

Roseria moved towards Andorra once she got the door open. She leaned down, holding the chain in her hand. She looked up at Andorra then, meeting her eyes. "Vulara has killed many fae. He's a ruthless being that has been here since... well, before Cornomus died. He hides himself as a weapons master now, but do not misinterpret the danger that surrounds him."

"So you're saying the Royal Counsel locked me up here because I was in dangerous company? That still doesn't make sense. Why is it that I can't have my own life? Make my own decisions?"

The moment the cuff was unlocked, Andorra stood, rubbing her ankle. Roseria was slow to rise, making sure to move slowly. "The Counsel sees you as a child. It makes sense that they would lock you down here as punishment. As if they were grounding you."

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