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ANDORRA FIDGETED in her seat. Princess Carling sat across from her, a pleasant smile on her face. If she turned her head slightly, she would be able to make eye contact with Coralia, but she was avoiding eye contact after what had happened with Roseria.

"My dear, I've heard a little bit of the rumblings happening around Anlithamy. And rumor has it that someone is trying to have you killed."

Should she be ashamed? Andorra wasn't sure, but it was shame that rushed through her.

"Yeah, that prick Anders. I swear, if I ever get the chance to get my hands on him..." Coralia mimicked strangling a neck. Princess Carling shot her daughter an exasperated look, but then turned back to Andorra.

"Prince Anders is who Anlithamy chose. But you don't need him."

Andorra knew this: Roseria had said the same thing. "I need the Golden Crown."

"Yes, but that isn't the only way. Did my daughter tell you about the Crown?" Princess Carling looked over at Coralia with a flat look. "You know what I say about talking of the olden age without present context."

Coralia put her hands up. "Don't blame me. Blame Roseria."

Princess Carling pinched the bridge of her nose. "Ah yes, Roseria." She settled her gaze back on Andorra. "Yes, you could search for the Golden Crown. Finding it would immediately put you on the throne without the acceptance of the Royal Counsel. However, I should warn you that no one has seen that crown since your parents. Finding it will be challenging, and there is another way. Not easier, but also not borderline impossible."

Andorra's mind swam as she tried to keep up. Sometimes, jumping feet first into a whole new world was confusing. She had so much to remember, and yet she continuously felt like she was falling behind.

"The Royal Counsel helps guide the next ruler after Cornomus makes the decision. They guided your parents, for example. After the sudden disappearance of your parents, Anlithamy had geared up for the newest leader. And I feel that you should know... Anlithamy had originally chosen Prince Puck."

Andorra flinched as if someone touched the back of her neck with ice. "Prince Puck? Is that why he hates me?"

Princess Carling waved her hand to dismiss the notion. "He doesn't hate you. Prince Puck follows the rules, and when Cornomus did not choose him, he declined. When Anlithamy found out that Cornomus had chosen you, they pivoted. Forcing you to marry in order to take the throne was a way to go around Cornomus's choice, but Prince Puck would never marry you just for the throne. Not when he strictly believes in the word of Cornomus."

Andorra tried to imagine what it would be like to marry a man like Prince Puck. For one, he was incredibly old - elderly compared to her - and second, that would be a loveless marriage. A dangerous marriage. And she would become Aihfie and Callum's step mother.

The thought made her recoil. "Uh, ew."

"The Royal Court currently has members who would like to see the current method of leadership fall. When your parents were named King and Queen, they lost belief in Cornomus to choose the right leaders. Which is why they've picked Anders to become King, despite the prophecy."

Andorra's head spun. She had never been a religious person when she was a human. She'd never stepped foot in a church. She'd never believed in God. And now, her entire life seemed to revolve around the fae god, who may or may not even exist.

"Tell me this. How did anyone even figure out the prophecy? Do people go to church here? I don't understand."

"The Prophet announces all messages from Cornomus. She is the direct link between our people and Cornomus. She had announced your birth, and your lineage. She also announced you to be Queen." Coralia was the one who chimed in, pulling out a chair to join them at the table. "She's one of the oldest creatures in Anlithamy."

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